Minggu, 12 Agustus 2018


Hello .. Friend, If you are interested in joining the WPP ENERGY project, it's good to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission during the WPP ENERGY project:

Here's the review !!

"A Decentralized Renewable Energy Trading Platform, and more, from visionary private companies with more than $ 5 billion in government energy contracts"

WPP provides real waste for energy technologies that go beyond traditional incinerators and beyond standard gasification processes. We promote advanced technology that allows the conversion of 100% waste into energy and products in a safe and environmentally friendly way.

Our proven Waste to Energy technology has 99.99% Efficiency Removal Destruction, converts 1000 tons of daily capacity of pre-branded City Solid Impurities or other toxic materials such as PCBs, Oil sludge, used tires, etc. To be 60 MW per hour of electricity, plus 40 MW of steam power. 

Our waste to energy facilities are modular and can be built to accommodate the needs needed (ie 5,000+ tones of daily capacity from MSW, up to 400 Megawatts per hour. Maximum electricity output. We provide a complete turnkey project starting with the design phase for commissioning, including up to 100% financing.


Join our green energy rebate program and get cash / coins back for your daily purchases of our Partner / Sponsor products and services that want to be GREEN! Also accept member price discounts on products and services from major brand companies, online and traditional retailers and WPP ENERGY


We invite you to join us in this historic offer and to participate in a large $ 750 billion green energy market, leading the world in its most important and necessary commodities and energy.
WPP Tokens were originally based on the ERC20 protocol.

  1. Short description.
  2. On the organization.
  3. Problems.
  4. Solutions.
  5. Participants of the system.
  6. Technical side of the project.
  7. Modernization of existing power plants.
  8. Implementation of small power plants WPP.
  9. Project NGO for homeowners and small businesses.
  10. Government contracts.
  11. Platform for the production of clean energy.
  12. Exchange platform
  13. TOKEN WPP.
  14. Distribution of funds.
  15. ICO project.
  16. Evaluation of the project.
  17. Roadmap.
  18. References.

Short description

The world trade in electricity is concentrated in the hands of the monopolies. It is conducted through intermediaries - prices for the consumer are always overstated. Transition to pay for energy by crypto-currencies, using the WPP platform, will enable them to enter into direct communication with producers. The conclusion of contracts on this principle opens up entirely new prospects.

The applied calculation technology guarantees full protection against blocking attempts. This is achieved through a system that allows automatic tracking of transactions on a global scale.

In the video below, you can find detailed information about the project:

About the organization

The organization occupies a leading position in environmentally friendly energy, its headquarters are in Geneva. Head of the organization Mr. Rafael Ben has been working in this field for more than thirty years, he was repeatedly invited to the summits devoted to the issues of ecology. Recently, he was engaged in solving problems related to global energy problems.

WPP ENERGY is engaged in the introduction of new technologies in the production of electricity. The company makes a lot of efforts to make clean energy available to all consumers, regardless of their place of residence and social status. The research carried out by her gave the result in the form of revolutionary solutions in the production of clean electric energy.

The words of the Secretary General "Eurelektrik" at the summit in Ljubljana:

We can expand the use of electricity in many ways: in transport, for example, in cooling and heating, in production. Not only with great benefit to the electricity producers, but also with the benefits to society.


Humanity is rapidly increasing energy consumption. In 2017, CO2 emissions around the globe increased by 1.4%. This means that efforts to reduce them, undertaken by the world community, are clearly not enough. In the pursuit of kilowatts, irreparable damage is caused to nature.

The world is on the verge of large-scale climate change caused by global warming. Not the last role in this process belongs to companies that produce energy.

In addition, in world practice there is a tendency when the producer and the end user are separated by a chain of intermediaries. Ultimately, the price of energy carriers reaches such values ​​that electricity becomes an unaffordable luxury for the poorest sections of the population of underdeveloped countries.


The advanced development of WPP ENERGY helps countries solve energy problems. The production of new energy-generating capacities and the modernization of obsolete power plants will solve two problems:
Reduce the burden on the environment.
Overcome the energy deficit.

In recent years, WPP ENERGY has been working to modernize power plants, allowing them to reduce the damage to their environment to 0. The converted power plants begin testing in 2018 in Greece. In turn, Turkey, Bulgaria, Germany and other countries.

The last few years there has been an intensive work on the installation of solar batteries, some people think that the use of light for electricity is a privilege of the rich, but it is cheaper than electricity, which is now used everywhere.

Members of the system

The participants of the system are public and private companies engaged in the production of environmentally friendly (green) electricity, the governments of states cooperating with the WPP in improving the environmental situation. Any individual who bought a WPP power plant can also become a member of the system.

Private consumers and public organizations, regardless of their location, can become participants in the system, concluding contracts for the supply of energy with its direct producers.

Technical side of the project

The essence of the project is in two words: the "green" crypto currency. The creators of the project offer a revolutionary method of settlement for the supply of electricity. All calculations on the exchange platform are planned to be made in crypto-currencies. They plan to combine this innovation with a large-scale project for the production of clean energy.
The project is based on six initiatives.
Modernization of existing power plants

The next six projects:
3 hydropower projects in Greece worth $ 1 billion, with a planned production capacity of 1,100 MW.
4 hydropower projects in Algea (Russia) $ 1 billion.
Macedonia, 3 hydropower projects worth $ 1 billion.
Turkey, 1 hydropower project in the amount of 600 million dollars.

WPP has important solutions in the production of environmental energy. Its goal is to change the world by modernizing the maximum possible number of capacities that are detrimental to the environment, to environmentally friendly facilities. Their estimated number is approximately 20,000.
The introduction of small power plants WPP

WPP offers its solutions to problems. One of them is mobile power stations. These are fully prepared HHO power plants, producing from 1 MW to 2.5 MW per hour. To start such a station, it is sufficient to connect to a pipeline with an uninterrupted supply of water. Thanks to it, regions that lack energy resources will receive reliable sources of electricity.
Project NGO for homeowners and small businesses

WPP HHO for homeowners and small businesses is a cheap and environmentally friendly source of electricity. It pays off within two years after installation. Works on water producing environmentally friendly energy.

Business activities WPP is constantly expanding its scope, soon will be announced the creation of environmentally friendly settlements and cities for 200 000 inhabitants.
Government contracts

The current contractual obligations of WPP are about $ 50 billion. She has signed a number of 35-year contracts with various countries around the world. The contracts include SZE (electricity purchase agreements), as well as the conversion of solid municipal waste to electricity, and products made from recycled materials that will be sold in domestic markets.
Platform for the production of clean energy.

The production platform for receiving green energy is being prepared for launch at the end of the third quarter of this year. Its purpose is to collect information on energy-generating companies from around the world.

The platform plans to broadcast data on the generation of electricity WPP on a global scale. The platform will collect data that includes:
Type of energy.
The amount of energy.
Its location and cost.
Exchange platform

The exchange platform is planned to be deployed at the end of 2018. It will allow to unite market energy and mining crypto-currencies according to a new principle. Participants in the system will be able to trade electricity and various crypto-currencies among themselves. On the platform, it is planned to involve about 20 different currencies, which have a connection with the energy sector.

On the stock exchange platform, new and already known crypto-currencies will be monitored - this will allow us to react sensitively to the changes that are taking place. At the initial stage, it is planned to participate in such crypto-currencies:

  • EOS
  • GRID
  • MITO
  • NEO
  • NERA
  • 4NEW


It is planned to issue five billion tokens:
Ticker: WPP.
Type of the token: ERC20.
Private sale price: $ 0.16.
The selling price of Pre ITO: $ 0.20.
Purpose of fees: 50,000,000 USD.

Lifetime membership in the bonus program is guaranteed to all owners of the tokens.
The principle of electricity payment WPP TOKEN, based on blockchain technology, is designed to provide the most convenient conditions for tracking transactions. Already in February 2019 the organization plans to launch a mobile application for payments and a WPP wallet. 


The sale of tokens is 50%.
Founders / management / operations 20%.
The WPP reserve is 5%.
Research work 5%.
Bonus program and lotteries 10%.
Marketing 10%.

Those affiliated to the platform of wholesale producers of environmentally friendly energy will be given bonuses. As a reward for participation, they will receive WPP TOKENS. The power stations that have accepted the modernization proposals will be rewarded with WPP TOKEN bonuses. They will be provided to buyers of mobile power stations, buyers / tenants of housing HHO. All WPP TOKENS will be sold on the WPP platform at a special discount rate for crypto currency.

Using friendly relations with the governments of the countries, WPP ENERGY negotiates with the local authorities on using WPP TOKEN to pay utility bills
Distribution of funds

Sale ICO will provide an opportunity to raise funds for the creation of exchange and production digital platforms, and launch a bonus program of clean energy. In addition, large investments are planned at the governmental level in contracts for the processing of garbage. 

Business activities WPP is constantly expanding its scope, a significant part of the funds will go towards creating environmentally friendly settlements and cities for 200,000 inhabitants.
A number of transport-related projects are on the way.

ICO project

A logical question arises: why should an organization with such a budget, existing contracts and ICO's own operating time a campaign? The answer to this question is simple - it is advertising its capabilities, a way to popularize its plans and search for associates to perform tasks related to the struggle for a clean and happy planet.
Start date of Pre ICO - the first of July.
The end of Pre ICO - the first of September.
The start of the ICO campaign is scheduled for September 7th.
The end of the campaign is the seventh of November.

WPP Token investors will participate in existing and planned WPP Energy projects. They are conventionally divided into categories:
Current contracts concluded with the governments of states.
The efforts of WPP, applied to solve the energy crisis.
Development of WPP Token.
Involve energy producers to work on it.
Initiatives including the construction of green cities, the construction of vertical towers - greenhouses with a height of 20 floors.

Project Evaluation

The project is supported by real activities aimed at improving the state of the environment. Its development brings humanity to a new level of interaction, greatly simplifies the ways of settlements between the consumer and the electricity producer.
On ICObench, he received 13 expert ratings and scored 4.2 points.
The most appreciated was the team of the project - 4.7 points. 


Mofassair Hossain,
CEO and founder of Perhalic, adviser to ICO, investor, public relations and marketing specialist:

The team and the advisory council are quite experienced, and they have deep knowledge in the field of green energy and the block industry. The team works with many governments that support their ICO.


In 1972, Mr. Rafael Ben was concerned about high fuel prices in and outside the US. With his team of engineers and scientists, he began research to find alternative sources of energy. Then he wrote: "Methanol is a clean fuel for the 21st century."

Since 1986, studies have been conducted related to the processing of biomass. The first prototype of a biomass power plant in 1MW of capacity was created in Chandpur, near New Delhi. A low-power installation was tested, giving 24 MW per day. She successfully provided electricity for a small village.

In 1998, WPP, in cooperation with CPG, launched the first biomass power plant in a remote settlement in Ghana (West Africa). The power source has successfully coped with the tasks, having allowed to save significant funds for conducting underground cable lines.

In 2004, Mr. Ben was the world VIP speaker at the energy summits.

In 2009, the World Power Production EnergyCorporation (WPP Energy) was formally established. Its goal is to solve problems with respect to solid waste, use solutions that reduce pollution to zero.

2011 is notable for the joint work of WPP with Technip. The amount of investments has reached $ 50 billion.

In 2018, WPP begins development of the ICO website. In March, Switzerland provided the legislative framework supporting the launch of ICO WPP ENERGY.

July 15, WPP launched the PRE ICO website and began selling pre ICO.

The end of pre ICO sales and the beginning of the ICO are scheduled for September.

The end of the ICO is scheduled for December 2018.

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