Что такое Cloudbric? Cloudbric - платформа для кибербезопасности следующего поколения, использующая «VISION», современную технологию глубокого обучения. Используя запатентованную технологию безопасности на основе AI, мы предоставим новую распределенную экосистему безопасности, которая никогда не была доступна для общественности. Компания Cloudbric начала свою деятельность как собственная компания Penta Security System Co., Ltd., занимающая первое место в индустрии безопасности и безопасности данных в Корее, и в настоящее время насчитывает более 10 000 членов по всему миру, более 50 глобальных партнеров и 25 + данных У нас есть центр. Cloudbric хочет сократить разрыв между кибербезопасностью и искусственным интеллектом в рамках этого проекта.
Текущие проблемы с кибербезопасностью По мере того, как мир переходит во все более взаимосвязанные интернет-сообщества, растет потребность в обеспечении личных онлайн-данных.
Как пользователи, так и предприятия очень уязвимы для кибер-взлома из-за открытого потока информации по различным онлайн-каналам. С миллионами персональных данных, украденных каждый год, важные события онлайн-спама достигли рекордных высот. Превосходство решений безопасности Поскольку пользователи вынуждены адаптироваться к очень разным платформам безопасности, программному обеспечению, конфигурациям конфигурации, ценам и т. Д., Управление этими различными решениями
является очень обременительным Централизованные данные разведки угроз. Для пользователя нет вознаграждения, и поставщик должен продолжать оплачивать услуги, которые он предоставляет Неопределенность в эффективности безопасности. Пользователи тратят много времени и денег, чтобы узнать о решениях безопасности, измерить производительность и узнать, легко ли они управляться и развертываться.
Решение Cloudbric
Прозрачность данных. Обнаруженный алгоритмом обнаружения глубокого обучения VISION, информация о кибер-угрозе (вредоносный IP-адрес, список нежелательных сообщений, мошеннический криптографический адрес и т. Д.) Осуществляется посредством разработки распределенной безопасной системы, ориентированной на прозрачность данных и компенсацию безопасности. доступный
Пользовательское доверие Cloudbric разрабатывает новые ориентированные на пользователя технологии и сервисы безопасности для расширения прав и возможностей сообщества безопасности и содействия развитию кибербезопасности следующего поколения
Программа поддержки Cloudbric Security Rewards
Программа Cloudbric Security Compensation Program является ключевым компонентом распределенной, защищенной экосистемы облачного кирпича. Эта программа вознаграждений является системой вознаграждений на основе блоков, которая позволяет пользователям участвовать в активном росте глубинного обнаружения безопасности облачного кирпича, обеспечивая более точную и улучшенную безопасность для всех пользователей облачного кирпича. Пользователи, участвующие в программе Cloud Security Security Rewards, могут повторно создать анонимный журнал атак, созданный Cloud Brick, для самого Deep Learning Engine, изучая глубокие возможности VISION. Это будет играть неотъемлемую роль в улучшении интеллекта, осведомленности и изучении технологий безопасности, которые защищают пользователей от глобальных кибератак.
Благодаря участию в Программе вознаграждений Cloud Brick Security Rewards, пользователи могут получить бесплатный криптографический токен CLB через двух основных участников - «вклад данных об угрозах» или «вклад сообщества ресурсов».
О маркерах
Название токена: CLB (ERC20) Блокировка: Предварительная продажа 3 месяца Блокировка (бонус 10%) Цена: 1ETH = 12 500 CLB (около 44 вон) Предварительная продажа: минимум 5 ETH (2018.08.15 ~ 2018.08.22) Толпа Продажа: 2018.09.06 ~ 2018.09.12 Общий объем поставки: 1 миллиард Публичный руководитель: 10 000 ETH
Общий рейтинг
Вы должны прочитать белую бумагу на 26 страницах. Глубокая технология Cloud Brick была разработана KAIST в Корее, Корейском университете и разработчиках машинного обучения MIT и обладателям докторских степеней. Даже если вы посмотрите на технологическую мощь и устремления разработчиков, они не стоят за какой-либо монетой. Более того, чем больше развивается блок-цепочка и криптография, тем больше рынок кибербезопасности будет расти. Будущее Cloudbric яркое. Мы поддерживаем проекты, которые начинаются в Корее и распространяются на мир. ПРОЕКТ «КОМАНДА ICO» Cloudbric
Ons het baie stories gehoor oor die toepassing van blockchain tegnologie in baie industrieë betrokke by vervoer en logistiek. Die storie is soortgelyk maar steeds anders as die bedryf en die betrokke partye.
Genesis Supply Chain Platform is 'n maatskappy in Frankryk. Ons is die ontwikkeling van verskaffingsketting oplossings om vlugsekuriteit te verbeter en prosesse vir die Aviasiebedryf te stroomlyn.
GSC Aviation met hierdie nuwe platform het 'n beter manier gevind om lugvervaardigers, verskaffers en onderdele aan te sluit. Op hierdie platform is hulle van plan om al die probleme en tekorte wat normaalweg in hierdie stadige verskaffingskettingproses voorkom, te verminder, waar enige fout die potensiële verlies van die menslike lewe kan veroorsaak.
Die grootste probleem wat elke produsent moet oorwin, is om hul produksie te beplan. Gewoonlik is elke produksiebeplanning gebaseer op 'n vorige weergawe van vorige tydperk (goeie maand, slegte maand, dieselfde maand jaar voorheen, ens.). Al die beplanning is net 'n skatting en kan groot probleme op die produsente en verskafferskant oplewer as die skatting verkeerd is, en dit sal uiteindelik probleme op die kopers veroorsaak met betrekking tot langdurige aflewering en geldverlies aan alle kante.
Enigste ding wat hierdie soort probleem kan oplos, is die beter vloei van inligting van die een kant na die ander in kleiner hoeveelhede tyd, deursigtig van begin tot einde en beskikbaar vir alle partye wat in die proses ingesluit is.
Die implementering van nuwe gereedskap deur blockchain-tegnologie sal uiteindelik lei tot hoër doeltreffendheid en manipulering van dokumentasie vir items en items wat bestel word.
Die GSC Aviation-oplossing vir so 'n stelsel sal bestaan uit 'n navraagdatabasis wat uitgevoer kan word met die korrekte implementering deur blockchain-tegnologie wat sekuriteit en onlangse inligting verskaf rakende die finansiële sterkte van die verkoper en koper, kwaliteit bewys en MRO (onderhoud van herstelwerk en Oorsig) data.
Ons kan die drie kernkenmerke wat hierdie platform bied, opsom:
Vinnig versnel die volledige verskaffingskettingproses deur slim kontrakte te implementeer as 'n veiligheidsnet vir alle deelnemers in 'n proses wat soms onbekend is vir mekaar.
Slim kontrakte is vooraf gedefinieerde voorafbepaalde digitale kontrakte van alle deelnemers en ingestel as self uitvoerbaar indien aan die gespesifiseerde vereistes voldoen word.
Beskerm inligting van versteuring en maak dit beskikbaar vir alle deelnemers direk deur die GSC Aviation-databasis, wat uitstekende soekvermoëns moontlik maak en die bestuur en beskerming van veroudering moontlik maak op toerusting wat uiteindelik tot ongelukke kan lei.
Die bedrogopsporingproses wat deur 'n deursigtige en maklik geouditeerde blokhain geïmplementeer word, kan uiteindelik die beste professionele persone van alle kante verbind wat 'n groter netwerk in die lugvaartnis skep, met 'n sterk potensiaal vir toekomstige uitbreiding en die lugvaartbedryf.
Die span agter hierdie ICO is al die ervare mense uit verskillende sektore, elkeen wat hul eie kundigheid dek. Die volledige span is tans 29 persone en sy voorneme is om nuwe talente van universiteite in Frankryk te werf, aangesien die maatskappy groei en ontwikkel deur middel van 'n voorafbepaalde padkaart. U kan meer besonderhede oor die volledige span en projek in twee witskrif weergawes vind, groter met meer WHITE PAPER en LIGHT weergawes met minimale besonderhede.
Die projekleier is:
Maxime Legros (stigter en hoof uitvoerende beampte) - met 7 jaar in die lugvaartbedryf as koper, het Maxime 'n goeie verhouding met die verskaffer gevestig en kan hy maklik al die probleme wat hy uit die verskaffingskettingproses gekonfronteer het, wys op die ou manier waarop hy wil verander.
Cyril Vuaroqueaux (CTO) - as hoof van korporatiewe bestuur en terselfdertyd 'n IT-persoon wat spesialiseer in die ontwikkeling van die voorste en UX webontwerp, is hy die perfekte persoon om die span te rig op die pad om die regte gereedskap te skep vir die werk.
Tokensale - Verspreiding van modelle, datums en nommers
Token verspreiding model
ICO Tokensale - 60%
Bemanning - 25%
Adviseur - 2%
Reserwe Maatskappy - 10%
Bounty - 3%
Met betrekking tot voorverkoop datums en pryse;
Vanaf Precounting: 1 Julie 2018
Duur: 24 dae
Sluit: € 1.200.000
Prijskaartje: € 0,02
Minimum aankoop: € 2.000
Maksimum aankoop: € 100,000
Vanaf Tokensale: 24 Julie 2018
Duur: 90 dae
Sagte pet: € 4,000,000 Harde pet: € 46,2 miljoen
Harde pet: € 46,200,000 *
Prijskaartje: € 0,05 / € 0,10
Minimum aankoop: € 100
Maksimum aankoop: € 400,000
ICO-token GSC (ERC20-voldoening, GSCP-simbool) sal deur professionele persone van QGen Group bestuur word om te verseker dat alle kopers KYC / AML / KYB klagtes is en om geldwassery of finansiering van kriminele of terroriste organisasies te vermy.
Hallo almal, vandag sal ek bespreek oor die Genesis Supply Chain (GSC) Aviation projek en om die voordele van GSC Project te ken, Hier is die Review:
Genesis Supply Chain Platform is 'n maatskappy in Frankryk wat GSC Aviation geloods het. Die span se doelwit om GSC Aviation-platform te skep, is as Supply Chain Solution for Aeronautics Industry.
Die GSC Aviation-platform sal toelaat dat kopers en verskaffers 'n maklike en koste-effektiewe manier bied om lugvaartonderdele via ons platform te verhandel. Terselfdertyd optimaliseer blockchain-tegnologie om te verseker dat alle dele wat verhandel word steeds geldig is en veilig is om te gebruik.
Kyk na die video hieronder om die GSC-projek beter te verstaan:
Voordele in die GSC Aviation platform
1 | Snel soek Danksy hierdie soektog module bied die GSC-lugvaartplatform u die geleentheid om verskaffers naby u te vind. Met behulp van 'n graderingstelsel wat deur soekenjins geïndekseer word, word topverkopers eerste in jou resultate.
2 | Gesentraliseerde tender In ooreenstemming met die behoeftes van goedere en dienste, kies die verskaffers en kriteria wat jou keuse bepaal en in 'n paar kliek vir die tender aanbied.
3 | Ontdekbaarheid kan geoptimaliseer word. ' N Baie belangrike identiteitskaart kan in die databasis gestoor word sodat jy die inligting van elke verskaffer baie vinnig kan bekom.
4 | Opsporing van gereelde en doeltreffende verskaffers Die GSC-platform gee aan elke koper 'n lys van dashboard-inligting oor hul vorige verskaffer en samewerking. Die maklik om te gebruik tegniese gereedskap vir kopers stel hulle in staat om tyd te spaar en te konsentreer op strategiese aankope en meer toegevoegde waarde take vir hul maatskappye.
GSC-doelwit is om lugvaartkundige spesialiste te voorsien van gehaltehulpbronne, die veiligheid van Blockchain-tegnologie en doeltreffende aankoopprotokolle. Dit sal skaalvoordele vir spelers in die lugvaartbedryf moontlik maak deur die verskaffingsketting as geheel te optimaliseer.
Token Besonderhede
ICO GSC Aviation
GSC Aviation Project Team
Hier is die verduideliking van my en om akkurate en betroubare inligting te kry, besoek asseblief die onderstaande skakel:
Greetings to the community. In this article I want to introduce you to the FRELDO project.
What is Freldo: Freldo Inc., registered in Canada in 2011, is based in Toronto, Ontario. The company has developed a new social network called Freldo https://freldo.com/ . The name was chosen not by chance and comes from the word "Friend". The motto of the company is "Trust your friends!". Its uniqueness lies in the fact that from the very beginning it was created as a free public place where small business people and their clients who were close friends and acquaintances could communicate. At the same time, Freldo has become an example of successful implementation of new technologies for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.
The developers of Freldo have set themselves the goal of eliminating all the major problems that small business today faces in the online space.
In particular, we are talking about the power of feedback, the high cost of advertising on popular Internet resources, the existing mistrust of potential customers to service providers. Freldo also solves problems in pricing, simplifies calculations, which positively affects both the financial condition of small businesses and the wallet of ordinary consumers.
The Freldo network is now exploring who will switch to the use of blockchain technology, with the support of experienced professionals in this field. Thanks to these modern technologies, it will be possible to establish a direct link between the seller and the buyer, excluding any interference or influence of intermediaries.
The popularity of Freldo is growing rapidly in the US and Canada. This positive trend is due to a number of objective reasons. The main among them is that Freldo's capabilities meet the needs of the modern real market.
In addition to the basic functionality Freldo developers plan to make the most of the technical capabilities of gadgets for ordinary people. For this, the FreldoApp mobile application is being developed.
Another trend is observed all over the world - every year more and more Internet users spend more and more time on social networks, where: Communication occurs between users who personally know each other. The information is distributed by the members of the group, which increases the credibility of it.
In addition, advertisers are increasingly interested in social networks. This is due to the fact that it is easier to identify the target audience and provide the right information directly to the person concerned. This feature of social networks turns them into a more attractive channel for advertising distribution in comparison with any other Internet resources.
The high interest of marketers in social networks is also due to the fact that they can easily get feedback from the consumer. Thus, it is easier, cheaper and more efficient to study changes in real demand in the market. You can quickly respond to new factors, correct mistakes in marketing policy, save money on advertising and increase the sales volume of the company. In particular, marketers (without using a huge amount of resources) can understand, using social networking data, how to report product offers to different demographic groups based on:
Interests Ages Professions Education Social status Material-being worldviews etc.
In a social network, you can easily get real feedback about your work. To do this, it's enough just to organize honest communication in groups, avoiding the same false reviews, which have already been mentioned above. Another undeniable advantage of social networks is that in an environment of fair communication the consumer ceases to be a simple object of influence of advertising.
They become a direct active participant in the discussion of the proposed products, a source of new ideas, which in itself contributes to the further development of the business of sellers.
However, working in this way in ordinary social networks is not easy due to the fact that through them there is a huge amount of the most diverse information, and the interests of the audience are often far from the problems of the consumer market. It is much easier to create groups with the necessary target audience in a specialized social network, which became Freldo. Here the subject of communication is centered around the services provided by small businesses. And you can create groups of sellers and their customers concentrated in such small places as a small city, quarter or district.
Another absolute advantage of Freldo is the atmosphere of trust, established between the participants of communication. Often they are familiar with each other, which prevents them from exaggerating or minimizing the merits of a particular small business, spreading false untrue reviews, etc. Also in Freldo there are rules according to which the user can only evaluate the business whose services they actually used. And from the side of Freludo creates conditions for a significant interest of the participants in communication in the dissemination of objective information about the work of small businesses.
Thus, Freldo has become an effective communication platform on which the consumer can easily find a supplier of quality and low-cost services. And the entrepreneur should only make sure that their work was satisfactory for customers. Advertising of their activities in this case will act automatically. Today, no other social network will offer you these conditions
How does Freldo work?
Freldo is all about trust. Looking for a nanny to look after the children while you take your lover for a romantic anniversary evening?
Find the best through the credible recommendations of your network of friends on Freldo
Using a Business?
Share with your friends and earn money Share your favorites and get paid! Every time someone from your network makes a purchase based on your recommendations, get thanks for their patronage.
Business owner?
Find new customers here. More friends lead Have you ever dreamed of being popular? Of course, we can not make you a Hollywood star, but being a Freludo star is possible. If you do an amazing manicure, during a Sunday tea party, when they ask where she was, it's priceless. Here's how you get new customers.
Lost business contacts?
Freldo is here to help forget the name of this plumber who stopped the lack of water in your bathtub? Never again rely on business cards or address books! Keep track of all your favorites on Freldo Use the services that have already benefited your friends and families.
Do you think that the ideal hairdo for your friend Jenny might suit you more? Do not wait for jealousy, ask her where she did it! The recommendations of your friends significantly affect your decisions. Find the services that you need on Freldo, and put these relationships to work for you.
Using a business?
Share with your friends and earn money Want your service to be the most popular among customers? Acting as serving customers is your first priority, and you will be at the top of the Freldo network.
The Freldo network operates under the slogan: "Trust your friends!" The goal is to create the most favorable climate for small businesses and ordinary people using services around the world. Today, Freldo works effectively in the US and Canada.
The Freldo platform is a symbiosis of a social network for communication and a trading platform for doing business. Thus, this social network is used as a new type of market. In particular, this is evident from the functionality offered to users of Freldo.
Every Freldo user can get financial benefits from active use of the network. Thus, for the invited participant, both client and business, the user receives a free certificate, which is then used to pay for the services of several entrepreneurs.
In addition, in Freldo it is useful to leave objective feedback about the work of those small businesses whose services you have already used. If your feedback is useful to the participants and a new deal will be concluded with their help, you will receive a reward for your referral account
Affiliate Programs
Affiliate program allows you to earn without active participation in the network. Freldo network partners get access to personal accounts and a referral partner link, where new entrepreneurs are registered. Thus, the partner earns on transactions of users without personal participation in the sales process.
Incentives for consumers:
Ability to order services and purchase goods at prices lower than in the regular market. Possibility to save time when placing orders. Ability to use real reciprocal links with service providers and goods, and also to influence the quality of their offers, working conditions, etc. Ability to receive various types of compensation in the process of communication in the Freldo network and fulfillment of orders. Registration and use of all the functions of the network are completely free of charge, and only business pays for the referral fee for the reduced client after the transaction is made and paid.
Selling tokens
It started at 9:00 (GMT) on July 16, 2018. The fee for purchasing the Freldo token is accepted in Ethereum. According to a reasonable contract, FreldoCoin is automatically credited to the purse of the investor. In the main round ICO Soft cap - 4 000 ETH and Hard cap - 80 000 ETH. The exchange rate is 1 FRECN = 0.0002 ETH. The total number of FreldoCoin is 800 million tokens (maximum). The minimum purchase amount is 0.02 ETH.
During the preliminary ICO, a 50% discount applies. The period of the preliminary ICO is from July 16 to August 16, 2018.
During the ICO on August 17, 2018 - September 17, 2018, there is such a bonus program:
1-7 days - 20% bonus 8-12 days - 15% bonus 13-18 days - 10% bonus 19-25 days - 5% bonus
Also there will be bonuses for participation amount
15 ETH - 70 ETH - 2% bonus 70 ETH - 300 ETH - 5% bonus more than 300 ETH - 10% bonus
Please pay attention to the following conditions:
Only 800,000,000 FreldoCoin will be created. 75% of the tokens go on sale, 5% - generosity, consultants and advisors After ICO no additional tokens are generated and production is not applicable Selling tokens will be allowed after ICO period ends If the minimum goal is not met, ICO is canceled, funds are returned to participants ICO will be immediately terminated if the maximum goal is reached Unsold tokens from crowdsale will be burned
. The generated tokens are distributed proportionally between the following groups:
ICO participants - 75% Team - 10% Bounty and advisers - 5% Reserve - 10%
Thus: at the end of the ICO all sold tokens will account for 75% of their total amount, 10% will be distributed between the Freldo team, 5% will go to the reward program and advisers. The remaining 10% of the tokens will be transferred to the Reserve Fund. The Reserve Fund's tokens will be used to encourage new users to join the network and speed up the adoption of the network by a broad audience.
All the information about the project team can be found in the corresponding section of the official website.
Having started working on the North American market, Freldo demonstrated from the first steps the ability for rapid development and high potential. This social network has already become a vivid example of a new type of Internet resource that will obviously help transform the global service industry, bring it closer to the real needs of ordinary consumers and provide new opportunities for all types of small businesses.
Freldo has everything necessary to become a leader in its field of activity. First, it is based on the unique innovative idea of combining a popular social network with a market system. Secondly, Freldo builds its business on the principles of general availability for both entrepreneurs and their customers. Ideal for launching small and medium businesses. He provides the support they need to start their professional activities.
Third, Freldo's work is based on the latest achievements of the modern IT industry. This is confirmed by plans for the development of the network related to the introduction of new services. Finally, Freldo is not limited to geographic or industry boundaries. And this, as we noted above, is a guarantee of stable development in the future, which, first of all, will hinder both local and global crises.
In this case, the resource is maximally protected from the main problems of ordinary social networks used to promote certain enterprises. It is impossible to organize false positive reviews, unfairly praise this or that business. Here the correct content is not overclocked and is not lost in huge piles of information garbage. Members of the network Freldo know exactly why they come to their groups. Users / consumers find exactly this kind of advertising, which really helps them find the services they need at the moment. And users / entrepreneurs easily fall into the target audience in which their potential customers are located.
Freldo is also a platform where you can meet the needs for quality services, as well as a great place to make money. Financial benefit can be obtained not only by entrepreneurs, but also by consumers, thanks to partnership programs, bonus payments and real payment for attracting new participants, orders that people see on the network, as well as objective assessments and comments they leave,
Freldo network is constantly being improved thanks to the efforts of a team of experienced professionals. Access to it is simplified for all participants (the introduction of a mobile application). Freldo will retain not only marketing activities and services, but also financial transactions (the introduction of its own crypto currency and the provision of instant, absolutely secure money transfers without additional commissions).
In addition, Freldo is now the object of profitable investment. After the IPO, about which we also described the conditions, investors have the opportunity to repeatedly increase their invested capital. Forecasts show that this will be another great success story. Of course, Freludo will have his imitators. Most likely, they will all be far behind, while Freldo will remain the leader.
If you are interested, you can join the Freldo project, and if you want to know more information about this project, you can visit some of the links below as a source.
Freldo is simultaneously a social network for communication and a trading platform for doing business, which was developed by Freldo Inc, registered in Canada in 2011 and located in Toronto, Ontario. This network has been working for more than 2 years and was initially created as a free public online platform on which small businesses and their customers who are close friends and acquaintances could communicate.
An important step in the development of the platform was the introduction of block-technologies and smart contracts that provide small businesses with the same tools that large companies have. In addition, due to the lock-up, security is ensured while storing user data, as well as when making money transfers. Smart contracts, in turn, simplify the procedure for transactions, save time and money on commissions.
Provision of services - Freldo enables users to quickly find the right specialist (for example, electrician, plumber, hairdresser), with a good reputation, at an affordable price and, importantly, living and working near the client. For search, users can apply the appropriate filters and sorting. Service providers, in turn, have the opportunity to declare themselves, talk about new offers, post information about discounts and promotions.
Remuneration - provides incentives for active users, for example - bonus certificates for an invited participant or remuneration to a referral account for an objective review, which was useful for other participants.
Affiliate programs - a partner of the Freldo network can earn from the transactions of the users given to them without personal participation in the sales process.
Ratings are conducted to assess the objectivity of the authors of publications and are based on such principles as transparency, legitimacy, integrity, confidentiality. Order status - an order status report is automatically generated.
Settlement of disputes - in the event of disputes among the participants, if possible, as an arbitrator will be the employee Freldo. The results of the dispute resolution may affect the rating of both the "plaintiff" and the "defendant".
Stimulation of participants in the Freldo network - to increase the activity of small and medium-sized businesses, it is possible to publish a full range of all services, simplifying the procedure for ordering; The possibility of studying information published by competitors to establish fair market prices for their services; effective advertising among consumers; support of a high level of trust among clients, assistance in raising the rating, attracting more consumers; feedback from customers, etc. Consumers are given the opportunity to order services and purchase goods at prices lower than in the usual market; save time on making orders; receive various types of material compensation in the process of communication in the network Freldo and the commission of orders, etc.
The Freldo network is not going to be limited to working in the US and Canada, but intends to expand its activities to other countries and continents, becoming a global network whose main goal will be to support small businesses and create the most beneficial conditions for consumers using its services.
In the near future Freldo plans to launch its own mobile application Freldo App, as well as the development of block-technologies and smart contracts.
A total of 200,000,000 FRECN tokens will be created
Distribution of tokens
ICO participants: 75%
Development team and advisers: 10%
Reserve fund: 10%
Advisors and bounty-campaign: 5%
Distribution of funds
Development of new software and implementation of blocking technology: 35%
Marketing and attracting new users in the developed world: 35%
Customer service and support: 15%
Platform Security: 10%
Administrative and legal expenses: 5%
Road map:
The team, which started working on the North American market, showed rapid development and high potential in the first steps. This social network has become a living example of a new Internet resource that will help transform the global service industry, bring closer to the real needs of ordinary consumers, and provide new opportunities for any small business. The project has everything it needs to be a leader in its field of activity. The first is based on a unique innovative idea of combining a popular social network with a market-wide system.
Secondly, Freldo builds on his work on entrepreneurship and on the general accessibility principles for its clients. Perfect for small and medium sized businesses. They provide the support they really need for their professional activities. Third, the work of the Project is based on the latest achievements of the modern IT industry. Plans to develop a network that includes the introduction of new services confirm this. Finally, the project does not limit itself to geographical or sectoral frameworks. And this is a stable development guarantee, as we have mentioned above, which will be hindered by both local and global crises in the future.
The social network Freldo has a high potential and is able to become a leader in its field of activity. It is based on the innovative idea of combining a social network with a broad-based marketplace. This network is constantly being improved, and the introduction of the mobile application makes it easier for all participants. Using domestic crypto currency as payment means makes payments the fastest, safest and free of charge.
Freldo is an object for profitable investments. To further develop the platform, the team conducts the ICO, the details of which are set out above. After the IPO, investors have the opportunity to repeatedly increase their invested capital.
If you are interested, you can join the Freldo project and if you would like more information about this project you can visit some links below for reference:
Versekering is een van die oudste bedrywe en kan gesien word as deel van die groei van moderne sake wat mense om die wêreld definieer. Terwyl die versekering in die vorm wat ons vandag sal erken, begin met die eerste versekeringskontrak in 1347, is metodes vir die oordrag en verspreiding van risiko's in die monetêre ekonomie in die derde millennium vC in China waargeneem. Een ding wat duisende jare die versekeringsektor gedikteer het, is die vermoë om sy praktyke aan te pas om aan te pas by die veranderende tegnologiese landskap. Uit kontrakte geskryf op perkament vir webwerwe en groot data, is die bedryf vinnig verander.
Die ketting is die nuutste tegnologiese spelwisselaar wat u kan kry om die gevolge van die versekeringsmaatskappye te beïnvloed. Een belangrike kwessie is dat die fundamentele beginsels van "uiterste pligsgetrouheid" in versekeringskontrakte. Hierdie beginsel bepaal dat elke party geregtig is op 'n wettige verpligting om op te tree met 'n standaard van "eerlikheid wat groter is as wat normaalweg in meeste kommersiële kontrakte vereis word." Dit beteken dat die versekeraar moet vertrou dat hulle die waarheid vertel aan die persoon wat versekering wil uitneem. Dit verskil van ander kontrakte, "Laat die koper pasop," of die idee,
Die toepassing van 'n ketting blokke op hierdie vraag kan beteken dat beide die versekeringskontrak en die persoonlike data van die verbruiker in 'n verspreide boek gestoor kan word, terwyl die verbruiker toegang tot dit beheer. Data word gestoor op die gebruiker se persoonlike toestel, wat die behoefte aan makelaars en ander tussengangers wat tussenpersone tussen versekeraars en verbruikers geword het, kan uitskakel. Nie net bied die ketting 'n belofte om koste en doeltreffendheid te verminder nie, maar dit kan ook help om inkomste te verhoog, want versekeraars lok nuwe besigheid deur beter diens.
Die "ketting" -tegnologie kan die groothandelversekeringsektor help om sy rol beter te vervul in die ondersteuning van die globale ekonomie. INSCOINNet soos kettings nagestreef word as 'n krag vir positiewe verandering in ander areas van die samelewing, kan dit ook help om groothandelversekering sy pligte vir die algemene welsyn uit te voer.
Die KNOX-projek sal die eerste en die mees effektiewe en doeltreffendste in die bedryf wees. Met 'n slim kontrak word die verspreiding van valse versekeringspolisse vermy, want dit is dieselfde stelsel wat hulle uitreik na betaling. Met 'n slim kontrak sal die maatskappy nie 'n vertraging in die invordering van die lening hê nie, aangesien die polis eers uitgereik word nadat die betaling ontvang is. Hierdie faktor is gemik op 'n beduidende verbetering in die bestuur van die maatskappy self. Met 'n slim kontrak in die geval van 'n ongeluk is 'n regte regter wat besluit of dit die moeite werd is om te betaal, nie meer 'n maatskappy wat opportunistiese gedrag kan hê nie, maar die kettingstelsel is dit volgens 'n volkome belanghebbende persoon. sal besluit of hierdie ongeluk in ooreenstemming is met die bepalings van die polis. Hierdie voordeel sal die belangrikste wees, aangesien dit die deursigtigheid van die maatskappy ten opsigte van kliënte sal verhoog.
Met 'n slim kontrak word die verspreiding van valse versekeringspolisse vermy, want dit is dieselfde stelsel wat hulle uitreik na betaling. Met 'n slim kontrak sal die maatskappy nie 'n vertraging in die invordering van die lening hê nie, aangesien die polis eers uitgereik word nadat die betaling ontvang is. Hierdie faktor is gemik op 'n beduidende verbetering in die bestuur van die maatskappy self.
INSCOIN Met 'n slim kontrak in die geval van 'n ongeluk, is 'n regte regter wat besluit of dit die moeite werd is om dit te betaal, nie meer 'n maatskappy wat opportunistiese gedrag kan hê nie, maar die kettingstelsel wat in 'n heeltemal oninteressante mening van die individu, sal besluit of hierdie ongeluk in lyn is met die beleidsvoorskrifte. Hierdie voordeel sal die belangrikste wees, aangesien dit die deursigtigheid van die maatskappy ten opsigte van kliënte sal verhoog.
Inligting oor die teken: Ticker: INSC Tipe: erc20 Algemene aflewering: 500 000 000 000 INSC Tokens te koop: 270 000 000 000 ISNK Wisselkoers: 1 hoërskool = 5 '000 INSC Sagte pet: 4' 000 Harde dekking: 39 '444 Nie-toegekende baniere sal na die einde van die ICO verbrand word. Pre-ICO begin: 23 Junie 2018 Pre-ICO verval: 7 Julie 2018 voorverkoop prys: 1 INSC = 0,0002 ICO-prys: 1 INSC = 0,0002 Toelating: hoërskool Sagte bedekking: 4000 Harde omslag: 39444 Bonus: tot 30% ICO begin: 23 Julie 2018 ICO verstryk: 23 Augustus 2018
Ek is LeePhan, wat graag ICO-projekte leer, analiseer en belê. Vandag sal ek 'n projek instel oor versekering gebaseer op blockchain-tegnologie. Die voordeel van die aard van die blockchain is altyd deursigtig en oop. Die toepassing van gedesentraliseerde versekeringspolisse is wonderlik. Die INSCoin-projek vir Knox is een van dié. Wat is INSCoin vir Knox? Hoe werk INSCoin vir Knox? Kyk na my analise
Wat is INSCoin vir Knox?
Die Knox Project (Short Name) is 'n projek van die versekeringsmaatskappy wat blockchain tegnologie gebruik om aansoek te doen vir die realiteit met die blockchain netwerk in die internet wêreld. Skep deursigtigheid, oplossings om ongepubliseerde, valse versekeringspakkette te sertifiseer. Bestuur die versekeringspolis vir kliënte en die vertroue van kliënte vir die versekeringsmaatskappy effektief. Knox Insurance sal op beide tradisionele en slim kontrak werk. Met Smart Contract kan kliënte hul kontrakte in real time, deursigtige en veilige en vinniger as tradisionele vraestelle opspoor. Terselfdertyd sal die Smart kontrak in die versekering volledig geoutomatiseer word, en geen betrokke party kan tussenbeide tree en verander nie. Dit is 'n sterkte van toekomstige Blockchain wat mense uitbuit.
Die versekeringskema is nie geografies beperk nie. Hulle vestig 'n reeks maatskappye in Lissabon, Dubai en die Bermuda-eilande om wêreldwye regsdiversiteit te skep, 'n dryfkrag vir die groter ekonomiese ontwikkeling van die Token. Hoe werk INSCoin vir Knox?
Nadat die beleid en voordele van Knox-versekering ooreengekom is, sal die kliënt geverifieer word en 'n gedeeltelike verdeling sal op Knox se interne netwerk aangebring word. Dit sal op Etherum se Blockchain gestoor word. Sodra geverifieer word, sal die kliënt voorsien word van 'n slim kontrak wat die omvang en die regte kombineer sodra die partye onderteken het
Inskryf vir Knox-span
Alle Linkedin-inligting, jy kan meer sien by INSCoin vir Knox se amptelike webwerf: https://inscoin.co/ #team
Aktiwiteit ICO van INSCoin vir Knox
Algemene assessering
Dit is 'n versekeringsprojek met die idee om baie goeie blokketting tegnologie toe te pas. Cryptocurrency-entoesiaste argumenteer dat Blockchain die tegnologie van die toekoms is, maar daar is nog steeds baie min projekte in die wêreld wat Blockchain-tegnologie gebruik. Knox is een van die heel eerste projekte om blokketting tegnologie en sy potensiaal in die toekoms bekend te stel. Beleggers moet ook bewus wees van die projek wat ICOnch, Foundico, ICOholder, ICOnline, en ander soek.
Hallo .. Друзья. Если вы заинтересованы в присоединении к проекту Black Insurance или вы заинтересованы в присоединении к проекту Black Insurance, рекомендуется прочитать обзоры, которые помогут вам получить информацию, которая может помочь вам в просмотре их видения миссии проект Black Insurance
Черный здесь, чтобы изменить ситуацию. Черный будет использовать блокчин для передачи риска напрямую от клиента (застрахованного) к финансовому спонсору (держатель черного знака Syndicate):
, минимизировать все неэффективность . хранить все данные в блочной цепочке . прозрачные бизнес-операции с использованием смарт-контракта . ускорение инноваций участниками платформы
Черные будут в корне улучшать страховую отрасль. Black - это страховая платформа, такая как Lloyds of London в блокчейне, бесплатно, задержка и бюрократия, которые мы наблюдаем сегодня.
Страховой бизнес будет создан местным MGA / брокером / агентом, ответственным за разработку страховых продуктов для рынка, установление цен и продажу продуктов и управление претензиями. Делегирование бизнеса с местным агентом создает измеримую черную бизнес-модель, приближая бизнес-решения к конечному клиенту.
Black Insurance будет использовать два типа токенов:
Черный токен платформы (BLCK). BLCK предоставляет инфраструктуру, обеспечивает доступ к платформе и проголосует за системные обновления платформ (токены утилиты). Все пользователи платформы будут использовать BLCK для управления страхованием на платформе Black, а спрос на BLCK будет возрастать по мере того, как все больше страховых компаний будут реализованы на платформе.
Black Syndicate Tokens (BST) (выдается, когда платформа готова). BST - это инвестиции в страховой капитал, и для каждого синдиката (маркер безопасности) создается специальный BST, портфель страховых взносов для конкретного синдиката будет передан держателям BST.
Наша дорожная карта
Жесткий штамп $ 45 млн. Использование средств и распределение токенов
Структура ICO
Распределение токенов
Вот обзоры, которые я представляю вам всем в поиске информации и знании проекта BLACK INSURANCE, который в настоящее время выполняется их командой, если нет объяснения этой статьи, не волнуйтесь, я установил ссылку для вас, чтобы получить точную и достоверную информацию вы сможете поговорить непосредственно со своим основателем или командой по ссылке. Наша команда и советники
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