Wat is Blockonomics?
Blockonomics is 'n toonaangewende betalingsverwerkingsstelsel vir maatskappye wat Bitcoin aanvaar. Die doel van die span van meesterskap is om hul gebruikers 'n werklike gedesentraliseerde, betroubare en veilige, ten volle gemagtigde, gedesentraliseerde Bitcoin-betalingsoplossing te bied. Die span van ekonome glo sterk in hiërargie en enkripsie. Blockonomics is 'n Bitcoin-minder en minder skaalbare betaling oplossing waar hul dienste die portefeulje funksionaliteit wat jy reeds het, verbeter. Hul doelwit is om Bitcoin voort te gaan, of jy faktureer, donasies aanvaar of 'n e-commerce winkel bestuur. Hulle glo sterk dat Bitcoin se krag in hiërargie en enkripsie.
Blockconomics is 'n gedesentraliseerde oplossing vir bitcoin, wat gebruikers verskillende voordele bied wat die gebruik van BTC verhoog. Blockonomics platform is veilig, want niemand het toegang tot die gebruiker se private sleutel, behalwe die eienaar nie. Die platform is ook ongelisensieerd en onbeperk, aangesien dit nie die nodige dokumentasie of KYC het nie. Al wat jy moet doen, is om jou e-pos te gebruik om 'n betaaloplossing te kry. Die maatskappy se doel is om gebruikers in staat te stel om Bitcoin onmiddellik te ontvang, ongeag of hulle fakture hef, subsidies ontvang of 'n e-commerce winkel begin.
Voordele van die gebruik van blokonomieë
Daar blyk te wees verskeie punte van belang wat verband hou met die nuwe fase. Om mee te begin, moedig hulle aan hoe hierdie stadium so maklik is om op hul eie te organiseer en te bestuur. Net so, daar is geen koste vir die opstel van dit en ook geen herhaalde koste.
Miskien is die mees gewenste oogpunt vir die gebruik van Blockonomics egter om Bitcoin as 'n vaste tegniek op jou webwerf te herken. U is dan gereed om die huidige handelsbelasting te sien, en geen buitestaanders is ingesluit nie, dus Bitcoin gaan reguit in u rekenaar se beursie.
Daarbenewens is die manier waarop die groep agter dit in hierdie opsig koördineer, 'n ander voordelige posisie, want dit impliseer dat hulle sterk beheer het oor wat hulle doen. Dit moet ook impliseer dat daar minder sorg is vir die spesifieke probleme wat voorkom en hul vermoë om die probleem as gevolg van hierdie ervaring op te los.
Blockonomics begin in 2015 as 'n portefeulje kyker en blockexplorer en gaan voort om te herstel met die nuutste Bitcoin tegnologie. Blockonomics is 'n gedesentraliseerde en ongelisensieerde Bitcoin betaling oplossing, waar ons dienste die funksionaliteit van u bestaande beursie verbeter. Ons doel is om voort te gaan om Bitcoin direk te ontvang, of jy faktureer, donasies ontvang of 'n e-commerce winkel besit. Ons glo sterk dat Bitcoin in staat is om te decentraliseer en kriptografie.
Bitcoin beursie
Stoor die blad van u Bitcoin-adres / xpub op een plek. Ontvang transaksie-kennisgewing-e-pos. Bekyk die geskiedeniskaart van jou individuele balans en portefeulje in die etiket.
Invoice peer-to-peer
Die maklikste manier om Bitcoin fakture te stuur sonder om te bekommer oor pryse wissel. Jou faktuur is ook geïnkripteer, wat die privaatheid verhoog.
Een van die gewildste en betroubare Block Explorers in Bitcoin. Liggewig, vinnig en laat gebruikers toe om verskeie adresse te versoek. Pionier en leier in Bech32 / Segwit aanneming.
Direk in die beursie diens
Dit stel verkopers in staat om bitcoin direk in hul HD-beursie te ontvang. Geen goedkeuring / KYC benodig nie. Plug-ins vir gewilde e-commerce platforms soos Woocommerce, Prestashop
Stuur bitcoin per e-pos
'N Gedesentraliseerde manier om Bitcoin per e-pos aan vriende en familie te stuur. Geen Bitcoin sleutels gestoor op ons bedieners. Gebruik afsonderlike sleutelgenerasie om verspreide trust te behaal.
Platform Voordele
Die betaling oplossing is gedesentraliseer
Gebruikers ontvang direk betalings deur hul beursies
Die platform is veilig, want niemand het toegang tot die privaat sleutel van die gebruiker anders as die eienaar nie
Hierdie platform verseker geen tussengangers, gebrek aan toegang tot die gebruiker se geheime sleutel en die afwesigheid van KYC.
Oor token
Token naam: Blockonomic Token
Token Token: BCK
Platform: Ethereum
Totale voorraad: 1 000 000 000
Harde klep: $ 10,000,000,000
Verkoop Token: 07/07/2018 - 14/07/2018
Prijs: 1 BCK = 0,002 $
Voorverkoop: 01.07. 18-31.07.18
Crowdsale: 01.08.18-15.08.18
Bedrag: 100,000,000 BCK
Begin: 01.08.2018
Resolusie: 14.08.2018
Die belangrikste tokenverkope begin vanaf 1 Augustus 2018 en duur tot 15 Augustus 2018. 10% van die totale Token gegenereer word toegeken vir die primêre verkoop, wat 'n versameling genereer van USD 2 miljoen. 45% van alle fondse ingesamel vir ontwikkeling en 15% om sandbemarking te koop. 10% roes sal afgelei word vir platformintegrasie, oopbronontwikkeling, gemeenskaps- en operasionele aktiwiteite en dekking vir gebeurlikhede, onderskeidelik.
Die blokonomie span is goed vertroud in die handelsbedryf van blockchain en cryptocurrency en werk hard om die integrasie van blockchain, infrastruktuur en slim kontrakfunksionaliteit te verbeter. Hulle het hul doelwit suksesvol behaal deur aanvaarding van Bitcoin-betalings deur talle verkopers toe te laat.
Bedrag van befondsingsprys: 45% van hulle sal toegewys word vir Ontwikkeling van Kernplatform, 1 0% van hulle sal toegeken word vir Integrasie Platform, 1 5% vir Verkope en Bemarking, 1 0% vir Open Source Development, 1 0 % vir Gemeenskapsaktiwiteite en Bevordering en die oorblywende 1 0% aan die Gebeurlikheidsdekking
45% is bedoel vir groot platformontwikkeling,
10% vir platformintegrasie,
15% vir verkope en bemarking,
10% vir oopbronontwikkeling,
10% vir gemeenskapsaktiwiteite en bevordering e
10% vir nooddekking
September 2018 Meer e-handelsintegrasie: Shopify, OpenCart, ZenCart, Wix, ens.
BlockExplorer en blockchain verbeteringe teen Desember 2018: akkurate voorspellings vir bevestiging om transaksies te verwerk. Grafieke en grafieke vir die dop van blokkettingdata.
Maart 2019 Genuine Altcoin Ondersteuning vir Litecoin, Ethereum, en Bitcoin Cash - Verbeter kliëntervaring deur altcoinbetalings saam met Bitcoin te ontvang. Volg al die munte van dieselfde bord.
Netwerk integrasie Weerlig Junie 2019: maklike integrasie om Lightning Network betalings op jou webwerf te ontvang. Aanvaar betalings so laag as 1 ¢ teen geen bykomende koste nie.
Nov 2019 Nul bevestiging betaling: aanvaar nul bevestiging betaling met ons persoonlike API's wat moontlike hoë presiese duplikaat koste opspoor.
April 2020 Dien 'n API met multisignatur-beursie in - 'n veilige en robuuste API om geprogrammeerde kripto-betalings te stuur
Bitcoin gebruik enkripsietegnieke om alle betaalde betalings te verseker. Daarom word vereis dat gebruikers altyd hul geld bestuur. Lae transaksiekoste, betaalmetode wat enige platform gebruik, is 'n paar ander Bitcoin-betalingsfunksies. Daarom is Blockonomics gestig met die doel om handelaars, handelaars, kliënte, ens. Toe te laat.
Om 'n duidelike oplossing vir alle probleme te bied deur 'n direkte betaling opsie vir die Bitcoin-beursie te skep. Nou kan almal maklik 'n bitcoin beursie betaal sonder om 'n derde party te betrek. Daar is geen fooie geassosieer met die eerste tien transaksies nie en slegs 1% word daarna gehef, wat bekostigbaar en relatief minder is as ander handelsplatforms wat buitensporige fooie hef. Daarom is Blockonomics ten volle beplan om alle gebruikers enkripsie probleme op te los,
Webwerf: https://ico.blockonomics.co/
Tegniese dokumentasie: https://ico.blockonomics.co/docs/Blockonomics_Whitepaper.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4421484
Telegram: https : //t.me/BlockonomicsICO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Blockonomics-1619324884975855/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blockonomics_co
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/blockonomics /
AUTHOR: bungasakura5
PROFIEL LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2204918
ETH: 0x44808C2EA67D20E350574259A16BC36F81d8BebD
Webwerf: https://ico.blockonomics.co/
Tegniese dokumentasie: https://ico.blockonomics.co/docs/Blockonomics_Whitepaper.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4421484
Telegram: https : //t.me/BlockonomicsICO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Blockonomics-1619324884975855/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blockonomics_co
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/blockonomics /
AUTHOR: bungasakura5
PROFIEL LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2204918
ETH: 0x44808C2EA67D20E350574259A16BC36F81d8BebD
Welcome to Squid Game Protocol please stand in line until your game begins.
Our Glassy Pinky Bank is filled with $10.000 worth of BUSD below you will see hows its being allocated for the next rounds of the game.
We are true TV Show fanatics and this will change the way you trade and bring a level of gaming to the actual buys and sells you all are use to.
SGPro is a deflationary token with a fee on all buys, transfers and sells (+5% of penalty)
To know more visit: https://squidgameprotocol.io/
Twitter: @SquidGamePRO
Telegram: @SquidGameProtocol
Play to Earn Game revolution
BalasHapusGoldzilla is a one-stop shop for anything related to GameFi. The platform includes a Community and Aggregator for blockchain players, investors, and traders, as well as a launchpad dedicated to games.
More info: https://goldzilla.game/
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapus🌅YearRise Token $YRT🌅
BalasHapus✨Hyper Deflationary Token With USDT Rewards And Strategic Buyback Feature ✨
💪Private sale 100BNB achieved
💪Trusted Project-KYC and Audit
💪LP token lock
💪Hugh marketing and promotion
💪Coming list on Large CEX
🌟8 % Redistribution In USDT ;1 % Liquidity Pool; 3% BuyBack /Burn; Buyback contract “ The Plutus” 🌟
🔥Presale in November 🔥
Join us for details :
Website: https://www.yearrise.finance/
Twitter: @YearRise
Telegram: @YearRise
Instagram: @yearrise.finance
Medium: https://yearrise.medium.com/
Shelter Tokens that can prepare users for safe asset growth and stable profit bank run.
BalasHapusShelter is the project to establish a defense system that protects users from Scam Project and high volatile Project.By purchasing Shelter Token, users can steak stable assets without having to find high-efficiency DeFi products. Through the defense system, you can participate in steaking with the lowest price guaranteed
To know more visit: https://sltdefense.com/
Telegram: @officialshelter
Twitter : @Shelter_Officer
Welcome to
BalasHapusStelios Finance
A community driven project which aims to eliminate the delay and the high fees on transactions
while making the cryptocurrencies usable in daily purchases.
Our goal is to bring forth a crypto currency that can be easily accepted, sent, and spent by everyone.
Telegram: @steliosfinance
Twitter: @stelios_finance
#Stelios #Finance #ico #nft #cryptocurrencies #crypto #btc
4JNET upholds the concept of fair and equitable community autonomy, and safeguards a stable token price
BalasHapus4JPASS is a limited edition NFT of the 4JNET solution. Holders of the NFT can reduce the 4JNET token transaction fee by 3%. And can receive a certain amount of 4JNET tokens every day.
More Info: https://www.4j.net/
#4JNET #NFT #nft #token #crypto #btc #bnb #bsc
CIND token is being actively traded after being listed to the global crypto exchange, Bibox
BalasHapusand Bittrex. CIND token is a cryptocurrency of ‘Cindrum’, a platform where players can
become creators to construct, design, own, and trade their assets within the platform.
By combining the main components of Cindrum, users can have their avatars put on their
assets, trade or bargain at Cindrum Bazaar, attract other users to the LAND they’ve created,
and immerse themselves in a virtual social networking environment to mine the CIND token.
The cultivated CIND token can be used as an asset within the Cindrum metaverse and other
platforms that support the CIND token. Cindrum metaverse is a virtual world where users
can enjoy various entertainment and monetizing elements such as creating UGC, conducting
secured and verified NFT transactions, shopping, staking, mining and etc.
It is explained that users can collect and display their NFTs and become an art collector
within the platform, and furthermore, users will be open to infinite possibilities with the
combination of LAND and ASSET of the virtual world. In particular, more CIND tokens can
be mined as the users spend more time in the metaverse, utilize LAND and ASSET, or
conduct more shopping in the Cindrum bazaar.
An official from the Cindrum said, “Cindrum, a paradigm that can overcome the physical
distance and limitation in reality, will be the leader in creating a new wave and trend using
metaverse technology. We will be working at our best to bring the virtual world to reality.’
Official Website: https://www.cindrum.com/
Telergam: @cindrumglobal
Corsac arrives, as records tumble with getting over 2000 Holders within 24 hours of listing at Coingecko and Coinmarketcap, is planning to cost an uproar in the NFT Market
BalasHapusMore info : https://corsac.io/
Telegram: @corsacofficiallaunch
Twitter: @corsac_official
#Corsac #Token #ico #crypto #coin #bsc #bnb
Clanity strives to build a self-sustaining community all over the world by connecting businesses with their customers through our blockchain rewards and community engagement program.
BalasHapusClanity is the first blockchain technology that attempts to simplify and efficiently reward a large number of individuals who make subjective contributions to local businesses all around the world with a universal utility token.
To know more
Telegram: https://t.me/clanity
#ico #crypto #bsc #blockchain #clanity #nft #nfts
��Tsar Network
BalasHapusAre you in the green or defiled by the current state of crypto? We urge you to give it one last shot before giving up.
State-of-the-art platform that will earn revenue across variety of services like its own wallet, escrow, marketplace, and custom smart contracts - only to distribute 50% of this fortune back to the token holders, for life, in BNB! Does that sound like the passive income you'd been searching all along?
More info https://tsar.network
Telegram: @TsarNetwork
#BNB #rewards
#Staking #ico #crypto #nft
GlobStake is a system where landing on crypto currency, forex trading with DeFi staking is done by a well experienced team and it's profit is shared to the investor
BalasHapusMore info: https://www.globstake.io/
Telegram: @globstakeinternation
#ico #crypto #defi #forex #nft #bnb #bsc #token
$ROY - Miss out on BabyDoge, Safemoon, Shib? This might be second chance
BalasHapusNew Crypto looking to overtake Solana for next generation in becoming the new chain for all Crypto Gaming.
🎮 A Community DeFi token, ushering in the next generation of Gaming.
More info : https://royalprotocol.io/
Telegram: @ROYprotocol
Twitter: @ProtocolRoyal
CINDRUM’s native token ‘CIND’ goes live on XT.COM and DigFinex
BalasHapusMore info here: https://www.cindrum.com
Telergam: @cindrumglobal
Conjee: Empower NFT Marketplaces With Physical NFTs
BalasHapusConjee is a new revolutionary NFT platform that has perfectly blended the profitability of NFTs and the thrill of engaging with the metaverse. Unlike any other platform, Conjee allows users to trade NFT tokens backed by real-world items.
The Conjee NFT marketplace is the first platform to offer services covering the full NFT lifecycle, enabling anyone to issue NFTs, participate in auctions, and trade NFTs. Using the platform’s tools, sellers and buyers trade in a secure way that proves product authenticity. The platform unlocks the great commerce potential of NFTs for all digital assets in both primary and secondary markets.
More info: https://www.conjee.io/
Telegram: @conjeenfttoken
Twitter: @conjeenft
#ico #crypto #token #nft #nfts #buynft #bsc #bnb
Recapitulation of Royal Protocol PROJECT AMA event held at AMA LOVERS CLUB.
BalasHapusVenue: @amaloversclub
Date: Wednesday, 24th November, 2021
Time: 20:00 UTC
The Royal Protocol PROJECT team was represented by @RoyalCOO and @SunKitten9 who judiciously shared with us detailed knowledge and information about Royal Protocol PROJECT.
Full article here: https://link.medium.com/pOBk92Whslb
Roxyon is a #DeFi Planet is full of Digital gold and diamonds that you can earn and mine. Roxyon aims to create a new financial ecosystem. Roxyon Defi algorithm is chained to digital gold and diamonds, Mining GOLD& DIAMONDS using Roxyon protocol such as prof-of-gold and prof-of-diamonds.
BalasHapusmore info: https://roxyon.com/
Telegram: @RoxyonToken
Apidai.Network — Future of Finance
BalasHapusApidai.Network is not just a Blockchain Platform, it in an decentralized ecosystem end it is established to serve for the total world population. Join The Apidai Network and help us grow and develop the Future of Finance together.
More info : https://apidai.network/
Telegram: @apidaiofficial
SnapEx Set to Launch Its Crypto CFD Platform Token, Backed by Dozens of Prominent VCs
BalasHapusThe world’s first crypto CFD platform token, SNAP, will be launched in December 2021 by SnapEx, a game-changing crypto contract trading platform more info: https://www.snapex.com/
Token: https://token.snapex.com/
Telegram: @snapex_en
Twitter: @snapexofficial
New Shiba Inu 2.0 called Chakra Coin featured in Variety.com & Yahoo news. 1000X
BalasHapusChakra Coin: A community driven DeFi Token trade with simple functions
Welcome to Chakra Coin
This Protocol is a community driven DeFi Token. Three simple functions occur during each trade: Reflection, Auto liquidity and Burn.
Telegram : https://t.me/ChakraCoinChatOfficial
Website: https://chakracoin.io
Variety link :
Yahoo news link:
#ico #coin #nft #token #bsc #bnb #defi
Bolter Coin: A coin for the future will remove all borders
BalasHapusMore info: https://www.boltercoin.com/
Twitter: @BolterCoin
Instagram: @bolterexchange
#ico #defi #crypto #coin #nft #nft
OMIKRON is similar to the popular game Plague Inc only with the difference that the player is not the virus but a medic who has to save mankind.
BalasHapusAt the same time as the start of the pre-alpha version of the game, we are also launching NFTs.
Holders of the token are rewarded by holding them and are added to their wallet by selling / buying OMR tokens.
Community Special
By voting, the community can burn OMR tokens.
Every time we have 500 votes, we will burn 250,000 OMR tokens.
The Game
Are you ready to destroy the virus?
“Vaccinated people believe they are safe. You have been misinformed "
At this point in time, it is still unclear what consequences the variant actually has. A head of virology says: "Nobody can say at the moment what is in store for us." So far, experts have not been able to say for sure whether the variant is really more contagious than the delta variant, for example.
Can you stop the Virus ?
Contract: 0x27f0Aed3984173121B969f117fD069181a11e1f8
13% Tax on all transactions
5% Liquidity
5% Distributed to holders in OMR tokens
3% Back to Dev Wallet
More info:
Join telegram
HashBit Blockchain, HBIT, Future of Money and Crypto is here
BalasHapusOpen your Wallet and Join the Community.
[HBIT] main features:
1- Easy to use, anyone can interact with HBIT Blockchain with a browser with any devices
2- Fast transactions (some seconds) low fees (under 0.0000001$/tx)
3- NFT issuance and marketplace
4- Messenger (public and crypted)
5- Decentralized Shop with buy and sell any products.
6- Issue Tokens and trade on Decentralized exchange
7- Mining and staking, without any resource
8- Cloud Data, upload files to blockchain
9- Decentralized Voting System ( each user can start a poll and any users can vote).
10- Point of sales and Merchants to easy accept HBIT on any place, app, website
and many others features, these are the top, we can call it web4.0
To know more visit : https://hashbit.org/
Join telegram: @hashbitofficial
#ico #crypto #token #bsc #bnb #btc #HashBit #nft
Nobo Finance is a reflection token made by a powerful development team. We will deploy various apps, a DEX site, and a CEX within the NOBF stratosphere. With a total supply of 300 trillion tokens, built on the Binance Smart Chain, NOBF will provide real use cases for holders. This approach allows everyone to consistently benefit from our token and eventually become King of the Cryptospace.
BalasHapusMore info: https://nobof.co
Presale: https://www.pinksale.finance/#/launchpad/0x67bA6829de02c4A27f2b4E22250C143e8598405c?chain=BSC
Telegram: @NoboFinanceOfficialChat
#ico #crypto #bnb #bsc #nft #nfts #pinksale #Nobo_Finance #defi
CatchLive, a rewarded social media platform fused with blockchain technology, opened social media channels such as Twitter and Medium, preparing vigorous interactions with global users.
BalasHapusCatchLive is a smartphone app which pursues communication and reward at the same time, and it boasts its distinction with others by: unlike traditional media, it enables horizontal transmission of information and diffusion through networks; it allows various contents that a person want to share to be shared easily through social media; it provides user-friendly UI and UX; and it minimizes censorship of published contents.
Focusing on such points, CatchLive provides basic functions that existing social media provide to use in social networks, and based on the user’s activities, it offers an additional reward – which is CatchLive token, which is listed on Bittrex.
To Know more visit: https://www.catchlive.io/
InstantXRP: The next giant of the cryptocurrency world. InstantXRP token is a BEP-20 token issued on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
BalasHapusOur investors are our N°1 priority. Therefore, we will bring the best investment plans
that will grant them more income and long term profits.
More info: https://instantxrp.finance/
Telegram: @joininstant65
Twitter: @InstantXrp
#crypto #ico #cryptocurrency #token #bep20 #bsc #bnb #nft #nfts #defi
$afeID launches a new LP Farming project on the 15th of December.
BalasHapusWith our liquidity farm available on Pancakeswap, you can now invest your crypto holdings into a utility-first project.
Join and make profit with a very attractive passive income possibility
Reasons to invest:
- Earn high passive dividents
-Contribute to a Utility-First Project
-Say Goodbye to the Headaches of Active Trading
More info: https://farm.safeid.info/
Our vision has not changed since the early days of theory-crafting, the goal stays the same, the making of a fantastic project that we hope will live on for many years to come.
BalasHapusOur central focus while developing the project is driven by how we can bring the most long-term value to our $DIVI holders.
Divine Inu is created for and with the community.
We give our investors the opportunity to shape the organization.
#DIVI token will be used to vote on future product development, while also earning passive income from reflections as well as dividend payouts from the fund
The value of Divine Inu will stem from different sources during the course of the project, but will be mainly driven from the community, Metaverse presence (NFT) and the Divine Fund.
There is no doubt that to some, #DIVI will be nothing more than a meme coin, and in a sense, I suppose they are correct – However, nothing can stop an idea whose time has come.
More info: https://divineinucrypto.com/
Telegram: @DivineInuCrypto
Twitter: @DivineInu
CINDRUM joined Blockchain Game Alliance
BalasHapusCINDRUM, a blockchain-based metaverse game platform, joined the Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA).
The Blockchain Game Alliance, known as a large organization based on games and the blockchain, is a global entity operating for the purpose of promotion of the blockchain inside the game industry. CINDRUM said, in December, by becoming a member of the BGA, CINDRUM is going to be recognized of its potential for global expansion as a blockchain-based metaverse game platform.
Valent Budiono, CEO of CINDRUM, will appear on a stage of virtual presentation of BGA on coming December 15, 12:00, to celebrate CINDRUM’s newly entry to membership of BGA.
Before this, CINDRUM was registered as a member of ABI, Association of Blockchain Indonesia, and already started to play a role in Indonesia’s blockchain ecosystem as one of PTs (limited liability company), recently launching the Arcade Zone. In the Arcade Zone, users can play many mini-games, and the newly-added map feature enables users to move to anywhere they want to move in an instant.
The Arcade Zone is operated by season, a two-week period, and the three users with highest scores in each game will be receive CIND airdrops after the season is finished.
CINDRUM can be downloaded in the Google Play Store: it is registered as Cindrum (Multiplay) app.
Website: https://www.cindrum.com/
Twitter: @CindrumOfficial
Medium: @cindrumofficial/
BalasHapusFrench Bulldog is an ERC-20 and BEP-20 compliant token with special features. The French Bulldog token (FRENCHIE) is a multi-chain fungible token currently supported as a BEP-20 token on the Binance Smart Chain and as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum network. These blockchains share the total fixed supply of tokens, and a trustless bridge exists on both networks to enable holders to transfer their tokens to whichever blockchain suits their financial needs. Cross-chain bridge French Bulldog users are able to bridge their tokens from the Ethereum network to the Binance Smart Chain and vice versa in minutes. The cross-chain exchange is powered by the Moontography platform.
More info: https://frenchiefinance.app/
Telegram: @frenchieofficial
Imagine the ability to seamlessly travel between different metaverses? This is the goal of AgoraMetaverse. Through our dashboard we will allow AGORAM token holders from multiple metaverses (Meta, Sandbox and Decentraland in phase 1) to participate in exclusive NFT galleries, Live action events, play to earn events and form a true "Openverse" community. Ultimately AgoraMetaverse aims to be the "ONE STOP" portal for connection to the wider virtual world.
BalasHapusMore info at: agorametaverse.com
Fair pre sales are on PinkSale
HATOKEN, The World's Biggest Meme Token Representing Humanity is aimed at making Humans the biggest asset on earth while promoting Love, Peace, Unity, Oneness and Equitable Distribution of Wealth.
BalasHapusThe overarching goal is to reward those who support our community-powered charity course and to increase the value and quantity of the tokens in every community members’ wallet.
More info: https://www.hatok.io/
Telegram: @humanassetoken
The Pioneer in Crypto Currency project that focus on and Social Services
BalasHapusMore info: https://www.thedavislegacycoin.com/
Telegram: @TheDavisLegacyCoin
mPANDO coin globally launching Legend of Pandonia (L.o.P), a P2E (Play-to-earn) game
BalasHapusPando Software (President: Jeong Sang-hoon) revealed that it is globally launching Legend of Pandonia (L.o.P), a P2E (Play-to-earn) game, as its first 2022 project, on the 14th this month at 3pm (Korean Standard Time).
L.o.P is a collective strategy action RPG, which is meant to be played by collecting 120 heroes while venturing a journey seeking for a Soulstone. There are flashy and unique heroes, and users can enjoy battles with three main heroes and three sub heroes, total six heroes.
Heroes have six classes: Tanker, Fighter, Melee Dealer, Ranged Dealer, Wizard and Support, and each hero has their own element of fire, water, wind, light or darkness. Users can earn victory by utilizing the elements to set a strategy, and a better strategy can be found with affinity of elements of each hero.
Users can earn mPANDO coin in various contents: completing daily quests, seasonal reward of the Tower of Heroes, a PVE content, an Arena to compete for rankings, or achievement quests. The Personal History System, which is unique to L.o.P, gives a special buff when a user deploys heroes to a scenario and the heroes has a connection between them, and after the user clears the activated personal history dungeon with them, the user can also earn mPANDO coins in certain stages.
As a MainNet coin, the mPANDO coin is designed to be have many different uses. It can be used for the Hero Transcendence, purchase of entry of the Arena and expansion of inventory, and it even can make heroes more powerful.
Jeong Sang-hoon, the President of Pando Software, said, “We are starting to service Legend of Pandonia, a P2E game, globally, as the first project of the new year”, and, “Please stay tuned to us as we’re going to show the feature to acquire a special hero through connection of a wallet and staking in our next update.”.............
The Pioneer in #Crypto Currency project that focus on and Social Services
BalasHapusThe devis legancy #coin will launch at the end of February
More info: https://www.thedavislegacycoin.com/
Telegram: @TheDavisLegacyCoin
NetWorth (NETW) is a venture capital fund protocol on the Binance Smart Chain that is inflation-adaptive, maintains a minimum risk-free value (RFV), and is backed by a selection of assets and investment strategies voted on by the community.
BalasHapusNetWorth is a Venture Capital Fund structured as a DAO, with extremely profitable staking and bonding/minting, and community voting to determine DAO investment strategies. The DAO is managed by a governing council, and allows for fund managers to compete with each other for the best ROI. All NetWorth holders earn a share of revenue from bonding as well as from the DAO's investment strategies.
NetWorth DAO is also now accepting applications from Web3, DeFi, and GameFi projects in need of funding.
To Join the NetWorth DAO, participate in staking and bonding, or apply for funding,
visit https://networth.ventures
BitcoinLegend(BCL) Coin Pre-sale will end Feb, 28th. Before listing in Lbank
BalasHapusBitcoinlegend was released android app on the Google Play Store on July 19. 2021. and it has run up to iOS.
When the number of users reached 600,000, community airdrop and pre-sale events were started, and the number exceeded 860,000 in 20 days alone.
The purpose of airdrop is to proceed with listing with 1 million users, and pre-sale is to shorten the schedule of the NFT card business and metaverse game.
More info at: https://www.bitcoinlegend.org/
BalasHapusVesTallyToken(VTT) is a deflationary, self reflecting token designed to become scarcer over time. Holders of VTT have exclusive weighted voting rights which will determine the course of action for proposal strategies and charitable initiatives. Weighted blockchain voting gives holders a voice in the development of VTT.
More info at: http://vestallytoken.com/
Join telegram: @vestallytoken
BalasHapusBlind Box Million Award
Free box opening for a limited time
More info: https://box.beeex.me/
Kusunoki Samurai is a 3D open world game that includes a fully immersive blockchain driven gaming experience.
BalasHapusOnce launched, it is intended to include NFTs into its system.
More info: https://www.kusunokisamurai.com/
Telegram: @kusonokisamurai
#ico #crypto #token #Kusunoki #Samurai #nft #nfts #blockchain
Multiplymybnb.com, Honest (BNB Yield Farm) with 10% daily rewards! Made by investors for investors! Rest assured we will be here when you wake up!
BalasHapusWE ARE LIVE!!!!
Honest user friendly project with great sustainability and profit potential!
(0.01 BNB Min Investment)
(10% Daily rewards)
(20 Day 200% ROI)
(Withdraw anytime)
(100% availability - 70% withdraw 30% auto reinvested for sustainability and anti whale functions)
(3 BNB max withdrawal per transaction)
Big investments coming!
Don't be late!!
Let's go!!!
Telegram: @MyYieldFarm
META Construction industry
We will launch MCI 1.0 and it will allow us to develop efficient software that can be used by structural engineers in their building design work. This would be a major time-saver in order to obtain the highest quality drawings in the shortest possible time. 10% of taxes is used for software development
More info at: https://mcindustry.tech/
Telegram: @mcindustrytech
Peermoon is a DeFi mobile wallet that allows investing in different assets (cryptocurrencies, stocks, ETFs, loans, commodities, real estate, etc.), tracking overall investment portfolio, and managing finances conveniently in one app. The variety of features and assets makes Peermoon a unique product in the market.
BalasHapusMore info at: https://peermoon.io/
Telegram: @mcindustrytech
#ico #crypto #moon #defi #nft #nfts #loans #crypto #bsc #bnb #btc #token
Pokemonio: An innovative project based on the Binance Smart Chain. It will contain a lot of products that will allow users to earn passive income and trade NFTs.
BalasHapusMore info https://pokemonio.com/
Telegram: @PokemonioGroup
A Financial Technology Company providing an ecosystem of services in Crypto, Health, Real Estate and Training. The #1 Platform that Generates Daily Bitcoin Deposits everyday of the week on autopilot! Url: http://XifraRewards.com
BalasHapusA new smart blockchain based marketplace for trading digital goods and assets according to users interests. Automatic matching of buyers and sellers via unique artificial intelligence approach.
BalasHapusMore info at: https://triumphcoin.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/+JgN1qNi63mMzM2M0
Welcome to the future of luxury and asset building.
BalasHapusRoyal Riches provides a lifestyle that pays for itself.
Royal Riches was cultivated to meet the high expectations of those living their best lives. We don’t cater to a trend, we deliver a lifestyle. Our crypto-currency is held and backed by the most meticulous security available. Our products have been developed to meet the ever-evolving lifestyle needs of the affluent. Our products simply don’t build wealth, our products create and manage it.
More info
Telegram: @royalrichess
IPX - PlayDapp MOU will be signed, and the character I made will be able to trade IP NFT.
BalasHapusMOU between IPX, a digital IP platform company, and PlayDapp, a blockchain service platform, announced that it will launch a full-fledged digital IP entertainment business based on Metaverse and NFT, focusing on IPX's digital IP generation platform, FRENZ.
More info follow
WILSON: The Procrastination Killer First of its kind, blockchain based DAPP intented to increase productivity.
BalasHapusWilson Fair Launch
Real world use-case project, ‘Wilson’, is the procrastination killer. Wilson is the first of its kind, blockchain-based DAPP intended to increase productivity and to break out laziness. We believe WILSON will become a household name and would be utilized to keep watch on people to achieve set targets on time. As for the project’s security is concerned, 70% of our native WILL tokens would be locked in the form of Pink Lock (40%) and Team Vesting (30%) for over two years.
PinkSale: https://www.pinksale.finance/#/launchpad/0x39b825044aDE8668792e21eD81a4AA15DF9A4935?chain=BSC
Visit: https://wilsondapp.tech/
Twitter: @WILSONCommunit1
APPLE STAY TOKEN game, metaverse, #NFT Apple Stay Token, It starts Metaverse Business Expansion after Game Mobile #Payment Platform
BalasHapus- It announced the expansion of its business to Metaverse as well as its role as an AOS, RPG, and FPS game payment platform Apple is a technology that links various systems such as pre
- purchase payment and cryptocurrency in the Apple Pay payment structure using Apple commerce, a traditional payment method that has been used so far. While considering intro duction, Apple Community has developed NFT tokens linked to payment module platforms such as AOS, RPG, and FPS.
- Developed by Apple Community, NFT Tokens are partnered with digital payment companies As a result of partner review, it will be operated by Madison Group, which has operational experts.
Game publishers produce and distribute the best games, and many users around the world are Apple's While downloading and using the App Store, according to mobile data and analysis platform App Annie, It has announced that the global mobile game market will be close to $100 billion, and the game sector accounts for about 65% of total app sales based on IOS.
airlines from 60 countries around the world Opening of NFT Payment Module
- Apple community members have formed an initial business model that can faithfully fulfill their role as. Furthermore, a travel agency in the U.S. And with airlines from 60 countries around the world The nft payment module is also about to be released.
Global partners include Apple Pay, Cardano, Binance, OKEX, Block Media, and Coinbase
BalasHapusThe world’s first cross-chain, multi-level interactive cryptocurrency raffle-based platform built for the community, offering a user-adjustable winning chance, NFT-integrated winning chance boosters, and a rewarding, automated affiliate program, all within a new, smart-contract secured, fully transparent process that guarantees financial fairness, privacy, and instant, tax-free, full prize-pools distribution.
Win up to $5 million in crypto assets, high-value NFTs, exclusive cars, and high-end luxury properties around the world in daily raffles!
More info at: https://www.raffleworld.io/
Telegram: @raffleworld
#ico #crypto #token #nft #nfts #raffleworld #rewarding #bnb #bsc #btc
Dogeone is a Binance Smart Chain cryptocurrency combining memes & NFTs to bring creative art to the masses of the internet, selling worldwide. Our vision is to become the one-stop platform for all Doge NFT enthusiasts and investors on the blockchain.
BalasHapusDOGEONE has:
Charity Wallet
Locked liquidity
We have a very unique use case which till now no one have
It's about Space Cleaning
We as a team love SPACE and would like to contribute to SPACE in any ways possible as to our strength. We are inspired from ELON’s “DOGE-1” mission. We also plan to donate to “SPACE CLEANING” in our later stages.
More info : https://www.missiondogeone.com/
Telegram: @missiondogeone
BalasHapusEarn and pay with cryptocurrency on Elancer
Elancer is a decentralized freelance platform built for connecting top Freelancers and Employers securely in one place.
More info: https://elancer.io/
Telegram: @elancercoin
#cryptomarketplace #frelancer #marketplace #token #ico #defi #crypto_payment #nft #nfts
Yesterday's Cash, Today's Crypto
Argead is the result of our joint efforts to develop an innovative and globally accessible coin that can serve as a good alternative to other coins in the market. Argead is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that allows instant payments around the world.
The network’s Scrypt PoW mining algorithm allows for a significantly increased block target speed of thirty seconds, giving it a higher capacity than Bitcoin, Litecoin and Dogecoin combined. This allows a higher volume of transactions and faster confirmation times, making it easier and more convenient for buyers and sellers alike to control their finances.
The Argead coin's decentralised encryption technology ensures a safe and secure wallet, using the same features as its counterpart, Bitcoin. This protects it against fraud, chargebacks, seize funds, viruses and Trojans.
The Argead coin provides mining rewards at ten per block and boasts its own complete genesis block. Due to having faster blocks, the Argead generation is scheduled to halve every 1 250 000. The Tenebrix’s Scrypt Proof of Work means that Argead can be mined simultaneously with Bitcoin. With foresight into the coin's continued success and longevity, ten per cent of coins have been pre-mined. The purpose of this is to foster the expansion of the Argead coin into functional industry and market applications. Exciting new partnerships and ventures await!
More info: https://www.argead.network/
Telegram: @argeadnetwork
Twitter: @argeadnetwork
Defy Trends Airdrop Is Live: PRIZE POOL: 300,000 $DEFY & 500 USDT
BalasHapus1000 $DEFY for 300 randomly picked participants
250 USDT for the TOP 1 referral
150 USDT for the TOP 2 referral
100 USDT for the TOP 3 referral
Join here: https://gleam.io/ZVxnD/defy-trends-airdrop-campaign
Discord: https://discord.gg/ugcBuVrU
Follow us on Twitter
Website: defytrends.io/
#airdrop #giveaway #usdt #ico #crypto #token #defi #bsc #reward #staking #busd #APY #nft #nfts
Participate in the Blockchain Revolution through Tokenization, by partnering with an Emirati Company.
Buff Doge Coin: The king of memes hodl & rewards, double burn
BalasHapusBuff Doge Coin [$DOGECOIN] is the Buff version of $DOGE. Buff Doge Coin [$DOGECOIN] is extremely hyper deflationary where each burn will double in its quantity to the previous burn.
Metaverse Project coming soon
NFT Market Place coming soon
Listed on many cex (Lbank, Bitmart, Hotbit, Coin Tiger etc)
Contract: 0x23125108bc4c63E4677b2E253Fa498cCb4B3298b
Twitter: @buffdogecoin
Telegram: @buffdogecoinofficial
Website: https://www.buffdogecoin.io/
NFT Marketplace: https://buffdoge.io/
(Land on Sandbox where the community could gather
Discover RissottoFinance, one of the leading DEX on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) with the best farms in DeFi and a trading platform that lets you earn Rissotto.
BalasHapusMore info at: https://www.rissot.to
PABNFT: A game-style NFT that allows you to draw, buy and sell Pixel Art directly is released on the market
BalasHapusA new NFT solution has emerged that essentially solves the limitations of the existing NFT, which has often been criticized as ‘trading receipts of artwork only.’
It is an Ethereum-based .
is a new form of NFT marketplace where you can draw Pixel Art directly and trade the land (tile) on which you can draw pictures directly in NFT format.
In ,
(1) You can draw Pixel Art directly with an exclusive editor beyond the limits of the existing NFT.
(2) You can sell tiles in NFT format at the price you want. If you draw or buy a high-value Pixel Art, you can sell it at a higher price in the future.
(3) It provides the game-style interface with a form of an online map.
(4) Tiles that can be drawn are like real estate prices, and the closer they are to the center, the higher the price is.
(5) Instead of indirectly recording your work on NFT, you can upload the original Pixel Art file to the blockchain (in NFT code) and store it.
(6) If you own tiles, you can get donations and comments from other users with Ethereum and aim for additional revenue.
(7) Tiles are ERC-721 standard NFT and can be traded on other NFT exchanges such as OpenSea.
Now that the service has just opened, only a tiny amount of tiles (NFT tokens) are being minted and sold.
Meet the real NFT that pursues the essence of blockchain at . And if you're a Pixel Artist, come in and draw anything!
Please come in first! Fun and profit are waiting for you.
SWISS PAY: A Decentralized, Deflationary & SWISSPAY Token for Web 3.0 that merges the worlds of crypto and art. Our vision is introduce to Swiss payment system in 150+ countries all around the world. Which will be use for digital payments in crypto on 70000+ merchandise all in world
BalasHapusJoin The Community And Catch The 1000x!
🔥 Major Marketing
🎨 NFT Collections
❤️ phase 1 presale start Now ✅
🔵Presale 3 billion Price 0.000065
📣Phase 1 presale live until 25th April
BUY $SWISSPAY: https://swisspaygroup.com/buy
Telegram: @SWISPAY
Starbridge Token
BalasHapusThe StarBridge Project Is Stellar! One StarBridge Token Will
Equal One Lumen (XLM) Once The Project Goes Live.
Visit: https://starbridge.one/
World's 1st token backed by #Bitcoin Mining! 💰𝗪𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗲, 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝘁 💰
BalasHapus#PrivateSale now LIVE on 🌐 http://mrmint.io
Telegram: https://t.me/+8mlZUXEpffNjZDg1
The logistics Industry is undergoing massive changes and now a group of incredibly talented individuals are disrupting the payment platforms introducing global solutions enabling consumers to transact through trusted block chain technology making logistics payments secure and transparent ensuring visibility to consumers at every step of the process. PIKIT COIN conceptualized by a team of successful technocrats to innovate through blockchain technology, the way to invest, earn and help through the transactions generated by the digital economy. Pikitcoin is interchangeable to invest earn and help various logistics payment transactions related to transportation, travel services Industries. Pikitcoin has usability profitability, security, and trust. Pikitcoin will take logistic Industry to next level and beyond.
BalasHapusTo Learn More: https://www.pikitcoin.com/
Make money while others trade! Ponzicoin is safer than houses, more profitable than gold and easy to get started. Use current low crypto prices to lock your profits in now!
BalasHapusThe concept is simple. Buyers and sellers pay a 5% contribution into the common pool, raising the value of the token as they trade. Holders watch their tokens
grow in value as others trade. Prices fully reflect the contribution so what you see is what you get.
It's safe. The contract code is fully open and real time contract stats are visible to everyone on the website. The balance in the contract is shared equally by all token holders.
It's profitable. You'll make money simply by holding on to your tokens. Others pay to trade, you get a share of their contribution.
It's easy to get started. Visit https://ponzicoin.app to buy tokens now. Trading is on the Binance Smart Chain so gas fees are low. All you need is a wallet and some BNB to get started. Visit the
website for more details.
Join the telegram: @pnzponzi
#makemoney #crypto #ico #bnb #bsc #nft #nfts
BalasHapusC4C, Crypto4ACause is a futuristic revolution in crypto currencies. We Offer Our own Personalized Crypto Exchange, Safe Yield Farming, NFT minting, Lossless Lottery, games & Grants/charitable donations to a cause chosen by Dao Governance.
More info: https://crypto4ac.com/
Telegram: @C4CCrypto4ACause
Logium - first platform that lets you short or long any chosen token from Uniswap. No need to register,
BalasHapusjust connect your wallet, and start betting!
More info: https://logium.org/
Korean DeFi platform 'Mesher' launches a time capsule in June
BalasHapusMesher, a Korean DeFi production studio, is releasing a staking protocol time capsule on June 30. The time capsule is the staking protocol of ENTER, the governance token of Mesher. ENTER is the new symbol of the existing oDON.
Mesher, a subsidiary of Chain Partners, is composed of members who launched and operated “Donkey”, a coin deposit and loan service. At one point, Donkey's accumulated deposits exceeded the 1.8 trillion won mark within six months of its launch. Despite large amounts of deposits, there have been no hacking or security incidents up to this day since it has been rebranded as “Mesher Center.”
The time capsule is the key to the strategy of boosting the value of the ENTER token. In particular, Mesher put in place several devices inside the capsule to prevent liquidity leakage. One of them is to pay a certain portion of Mesher's B2B revenues to the stakers of the time capsule. Recently, Mesher's B2B DeFi solution signed a contract with MARBLEX(MBX), a blockchain ecosystem of Netmarble.
The premier cross-chain stablecoin accrual protocol for everyone in DeFi.
BalasHapusMore info: https://wealthmountain.app/
Telegram: @WealthMountain
Domestic Collectors, Play 2 earn 💰 Experienced Swedish developers. Earn by sending your workers on tasks you will earn points and also level up your worker to get more profitable tasks. All workers are handled within the contract (Like NFT's). Worker Auctions. Get rewarded a percentage of the total amount of Domestic points, so the more you play the more tokens you will earn. Huge marketing coming. Read more on our website. 🔒 Liquidity Locked - After presale, 100% of LP will be locked.
Presale link :
Telegram: @DomesticCollectors
#ico #crypto #defi #nft #nfts #nftart #blockchain #btc #bitcoin
Welcome To The privileged world of Chitaverse!!!
BalasHapusJoin #Chitaverse prepare for Flight
Baby Chita $BCT Token is the central currency of Chitaverse. These tokens are for your animals in Chitaverse Allows you to breed, feed care and fight.Baby Chita Token is the memecoin used in the Chitaverse economy.Preparations in 2022 It is a project that has been started and implemented.
More Info: https://chitaverse.com/
Telegram: @babychitatoken
#ico #crypto #token #nft #nftart #nfts #bitcoin #btc #bsc #bnb #nftcommunity #nftcollector #meta #metaverse
#NuID is launching the identity utility token #Kii on September 19th-23rd in partnership with The Kii Foundation. Kii will be the transactional token at the root of NuID’s decentralized identity ecosystem that enables user-owned & user-controlled digital identity.
BalasHapusKii Details:
-The IEO is being held on LAtoken from September 19-23rd at $0.30 USD
-Kii owners can participate in the decentralized Nu Identity Ecosystem
-Kii will be initially issued as an ERC20 token before migrating to the KiiChain ledger in the future
-Kii will pay the cost of credential registration on a public blockchain, pay for use of NulD’s existing trustless authentication solution, and pay for future identity use-cases within the ecosystem.
-Token distribution will take place later this year
More info: https://kiichain.org/
Supremacy is a revolutionary sustainable metaverse game, where AI-controlled War Machines destroy each other in a 24/7 Battle Arena.
BalasHapusIn the year 2149, governments have fallen and the world is a battleground for the AI-run factions. Pledge your allegiance to your faction, influence their battles and earn.
SUPS tokens are your economic power in the Supremacy game, from voting and influencing the war through in-game purchases in the Battle Arena to buying War Machine NFTS and in later phases supporting the entire in-game economy as goods, services and progress is sold for SUPS tokens.
Journey into the heart of the Supremacy world and if you can survive, the game rewards will bring glory to your fight.
To beat them, you must first join them.
SUPS Token
Available on PancakeSwap
Triple X is a token for the community. It is a BEP20 token with 1 trillion total supply, and designed as a liquidity token.
BalasHapus5% transaction fee from sales will be used to generate yield and another 5% transaction fee from sales will be used to generate liquidity.
More info: https://www.triplex-token.com/
Un1ty to Launch a Gaming Exchange GGToro in June
BalasHapusUn1ty’s spokesperson shared that Un1ty is planning to launch a Gaming Specific Exchange GGtoro. GGtoro will have functionalities such as Copy Trading , Group Trading, Web3 Domain Names as addresses and a Technology to Import web2 assets to web3.
GGtoro will help users to monetize their gaming assets and get access to their gaming assets from one place as well as copy & collaborate with the top gaming investors and creators.
In GGtoro, Crypto enthusiasts will be able to trade game related crypto, gamecredits, gaming stocks and etc all from one place.
Building connections in GGtoro leads to early access to initial sales & gives you an unfair advantage in the order of participation in the sales.
GGtoro is currently reviewing which companies meet their criteria to become part of the exchange, according to the spokesperson.
There is currently not any gaming focused exchange in the crypto market.
GGtoro is looking to fill the gap.
The team behind GGtoro has +8 years of experience in crypto.
GGtoro will hold a Pre-sale of the tokens at the end of this month.
Click here to learn more about https://ggtoro.com/
Media Contact
Website: ggtoro.com/
Twitter: @ggtoroofficial
Instagram: @ggtoroofficial
Email: media@ggtoro.com
BEN COIN: Revolutionizing Global Crypto Adoption 🌍💫
BalasHapusJoin the movement towards a future where cryptocurrencies seamlessly integrate into our daily lives. BEN COIN is committed to promoting pro-crypto regulations, unbiased news, and accessible education, empowering individuals worldwide. 🚀✨
More info: https://joinbencoin.com/
#BENCOIN #Cryptocurrency #CryptoRevolution #GlobalAdoption #ProCrypto #UnbiasedNews #AccessibleEducation
🚀🐸 Introducing PEPE COPY Coin - Join the Memecoin Craze! 🐸🚀
BalasHapus🔥 Don't miss the exclusive pre-sale event from August 6th to 9th! Secure your PEPE COPY tokens now and be part of this fun and vibrant meme-inspired project right from the beginning. Pre-sale Link: https://bit.ly/pepecopy
What sets PEPE COPY apart:
✅ Certified and Secure - Audited by coin AUDIT audit
✅ Built on Binance Smart Chain for fast transactions
Join the rapidly growing PEPE COPY community on Telegram: @pepecopybnb. Explore more at our official website:pepecopy.vip
Follow us on Twitter for daily memes and updates: @pepe_copy.
Invest wisely, stay informed, and let's embark on this memecoin journey together! 🎉🚀 #PepeCopyCoin #MemeCoinMadness #CryptoLaughs
🔥 Pre-sale Dates: August 6th to 9th
🚀 Exciting News Alert! 🚀
BalasHapus🌐 iNAE Coin is Now Listed on BitForx!
Amid the ongoing cryptocurrency boom, we're thrilled to share a major milestone: iNAE Coin has been listed on BitForx! This listing opens the door to a broader range of investors and users, taking us to new heights in the crypto world.
🌍 BitForx: Where Opportunities Unfold
BitForx, a global cryptocurrency exchange with users spanning 200 countries, is our gateway to the world. With a daily trading volume exceeding 800 billion, it's a platform of immense significance. This listing marks a pivotal step forward in our journey.
💡 iNAE Coin: The Future Unveiled
iNAE stands for "Time of Wolves and Dogs," symbolizing the convergence of the real world and the digital realm through blockchain technology and fintech. Our coin, built on the NiktoNet mainnet, boasts lightning-fast transactions and cost-effective trading fees. We're reshaping fintech innovation.
📈 A New Era Dawns
The BitForx listing isn't just a step; it's a leap into the future. Our blend of blockchain and fintech paves the way for fresh possibilities, captivating a wider audience and gaining prominence in the cryptocurrency market. The journey ahead is exhilarating, and we're geared for success!
🔗 Learn More:
Website: inae.io
Telegram: t.me/iNAE_Official
Twitter: twitter.com/inaefoundation
Email: info@inae.io
#iNAECoin #BitForxListing #BlockchainInnovation #FintechRevolution #CryptoNews
Get ready for the ultimate PRE-SALE that will reignite the crypto market.
BalasHapusIntroducing the next Rollbit! N-PIK, set to revive the myth of online casinos!
Experience the rising value of PIK-TOKEN through the 'PIK-TOKEN' pre-sale.
Moreover, enjoy the benefit of a 30% daily dividend from N-PIK earnings.
⭐️ ICO Date: December 1, 2023, 09:00 (UTC)
🙏 PIK-TOKEN is available in limited quantities, so act quickly.
⭐️ PRE-SALE Price: $0.02
🔥 Purchase at an incredible 80% discount.
⭐️ Join the PRE-SALE: https://pik-swap.com/
💫 Whitepaper: https://whitepaper.n-pik.com/
#investment #Crypto #onlinecasino #cryptocurrency #blockchain #ICO #gametokens #rollbit #wager #presale #npik #betting