Kamis, 29 November 2018

⭐⭐⭐4ARTechnology: We solve the biggest problem ART World⭐⭐⭐

“Art is a culture and this part of our identity, but art is also passion, good commerce and an object of desire, investment and currency. Art is so much and yet something else for everyone - the only thing we all have is the desire to protect this asset and its values. ”

-Niko Kipuros
Initiator / Grunder 4ARTechonolies

About 4ARTEchnologies

4Technologies create a blockchain-based cataloging and transaction platform to provide greater transparency, security and efficiency in the art world. The platform is based on patented “ extended authentication ” technology , available through our unique technical partner Atlantic Zeister GmbH. Allowing users to register a “fingerprint” on a notebook, along with all the important information about history / provenance, this technology makes registered works virtually indispensable. The requirement of nothing more than a standard smartphone, this is the first of its kind solution not only to deal with the problem of art fraud, but also provides very relevant use cases for all players of world art.

Main technical specifications

Eliminates the problem of artificial fraud. After the “fingerprint” was taken, all that is required to verify the authenticity of the authenticity of the work is another quick scan using a mobile application. Since this fingerprint — along with all other important information about history and origin — is stored on a block chain, it is protected from unauthorized access.
Provides transparency at no cost to privacy. The industry has long resisted the creation of a centralized database due to confidentiality issues for investors and illustration owners, as well as the lack of a practical technical solution.
To report on the status of the report on the status and performance of the performance report is part of almost every transaction in the art market, from insurance to logistics to sales - at least in theory. With the 4ART mobile app, status and recovery reports will inevitably become part of the minutes for a small portion of the established costs.
Making portfolio management easier than ever, the 4ART platform, as a service, helps users maintain all property certification, lending, refurbishment, transportation and insurance coverage associated with design - for owners of individual products, as well as galleries and museums with large portfolios.
Allows the artist to earn on the resale of their works. Like any other owner of intellectual property (for example, writers or musicians), the artist also has the right to receive royalties from his works.
Market Potential Although art has long been a valuable asset for investors who want to diversify their portfolios, the latest issue on the art market, published by Art Basel and UBS in its report The Art Market 2018, shows the true potential of a vibrant and growing market. Since 2016, an increase of 12%, the annual market turnover in 2017 amounted to 63.7 billion US dollars, which is 39 million. Individual transactions - the largest number of transactions since 2008. The fact that the number of transactions increased by only 8% indicates that the average cost of works sold in

Selling Tokens


Token Symbol: 4ART
Token Price: 0.3 EUR
Platform: Ethereum (ETH)
Price: 500 EUR Softcap:
15.000.000 EUR Hardcap: 250.000.000
Country: Switzerland Accepted
Payment: BTC, ETH, Fiat

Road map

February 2017
Idea of ​​creation

April 2017
Licensing of augmented authentication technology 4ART

May 2017
Legal installation

July 2017
Team setting

December 2017
Whitepaper and draft concept

March 2018
Demo - application on iOS development.

JUN 25,2018
Selling tokens to investors at an early stage (Close Group)

Jul 9,2018
4ART Advance ICO Phase 1

23,2018 4ART Advance ICO Phase 2

AUG 6, 2018
4ART Advance ICO Phase 3

SEP 28, 2018

SEP 2018
Launch alpha version of 4ART application (MVP)

OCT 2018
Launching 4ART Beta

NOV 2018
Integration of additional API.

JAN 2019
4ART Opening a token on the exchange

MAR 2019
European lead

AUG 2019 Edition

From SEP 2019
Continued development in all areas

4ARTEchnologies Team


ETH address: 0x44808C2EA67D20E350574259A16BC36F81d8BebD


Hello everyone, If you are interested in joining the BEVERAGE.CASHproject, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, as follows:

Die skepping van alkohol en wyn is een van die mooiste beleggingsbates wat meer as voorraad, edelmetale en ander kunswerke in terme van winsgewendheid verteenwoordig. 'N goeie versameling wyn kan 'n wins van honderde persent trek.

'N Goeie wynversameling toon 'n wins van honderde persent. Byvoorbeeld, Chateau Lafleur Pomerol 1982 het die waarde van 20 tot 40 duisend pond net oor die afgelope twee jaar verhoog en Bordeaux Lafite Rothschild het net meer as een jaar met 850% gestyg.

Beverage.Cash is 'n gedesentraliseerde platform vir alkoholiese drankmarkte gebaseer op sosiale ekosisteem met geïntegreerde draadlose netwerk gekombineerde RFID / NFC-etikette en sensors. Hierdie volledige struktuur maak dit moontlik om alle deelnemers van die drankmark te verenig en die drank van die veld na die bottel te spoor. Dit gee die verbruikers akkurate inligting oor die drank wat hy koop.


Die grootste probleem van die cryptocurrency wêreld is dat digitale geld nie deur fisiese bates verseker word nie.

Sedert die koms van blockchain-tegnologie het gebruikers 'n groot hoeveelheid verskillende digitale geldeenhede opgebou wat amper onmoontlik is om te gebruik as 'n gemiddelde van betaling vir die aankoop van goedere.

  1. Tokens is 100% verseker deur alkohol
  3. Gegradeer in BEVERAGE COIN (BCCT)
  4. Op 'n gedesentraliseerde platform verhandel
  5. Kan op enige tyd die aflewering van die Lot aan enige adres bestel
  6. Baie Eienaar Oordrag vind plaas deur Blockchain Rekord
  7. Fisiese beweging van 'n baie is nie nodig nie
  8. Slim kontrakte Finalisering van elke ooreenkoms

Hoeveelheid vir die oop mark is 65% van die totale getal
PRIVATE VERKOOP: 12% - 11,733,205 - BONUS 50%
Voorverkoop: 18% - 17,599,807 - BONUS 25%
HOOFDEAL: 70% - 68,443,693 - BONUS 10% - 0%
HARD CAP: 30,000 ETH


Verkoopsvolume van Privateverkope: 11,733,205 BCCT
Private-Verkoopprys: 1 ETH = 7.500 BCCT (bonus ingesluit)
Minimum kooptransaksie: 10 ETH
Maksimum Kooptransaksie: 100 ETH
BONUSES: 50% van die hoofverkoopprys


Verkoopsvolume van voorverkoop: 17,599,807 BCCT
Voorverkoopprys: 1 ETH = 6,250 BCCT (bonus ingesluit)
Minimum kooptransaksie: 0.1 ETH
Maksimum kooptransaksie: onbeperkte bonusse:
BONUSES: 25% van die hoofverkoopprys


Verkoopsvolume op hoofverkope: 68,443,693 BCCT
Prys op Hoofverkoping: 1 ETH = 5,000 BCCT
Minimum kooptransaksie: 0.01 ETH
Maksimum kooptransaksie: Onbeperk
BONUSES: 10% -0% van die hoofverkoopprys


September 2015 - Julie 2017
Marknavorsing en kundiges raadgewende en sakemodel se skepping.

Julie 2016 - Julie 2017
Registrasie van die maatskappy en die verkryging van die nodige lisensies.

Julie 2017
Die begin van die werk "Caste Solis" wynklub.

Maart 2018
Platform konsep skepping.

Q3 2018
Tokens private verkoop.

Q4 2018
Pre-ICO, ICO tokens verkoop.
Plakement of Beverage Coin (BC) op uitruilings.

Q1 2019
Skep 'n Beverage.Cash beursie, alfa weergawe van die platform.

Q2 2019
Platform bekendstelling en publieke beta toets.

Q3 2019
Launching thw Web Platform.

Q4 2019
Begin iOS / Android weergawes.

Q1 2020

Stel SDK vry, trek derdeparty-ontwikkelaars.

Wat die span betref, word slegs sleutelfigure gelys - mense wat aan hierdie projek werk.

Vir blockchain programmering en platform ontwikkeling het ons op die oomblik een van die beste maatskappye in die mark gehuur. Hulle is professionele en het groot ondervinding. Hul maatskappy het meer as 300 programmeerders. Natuurlik kan ons foto's van elk van hulle op die projek bladsy plaas, maar ons dink nie dit maak sin nie. 

U kan meer lees op hierdie skakel: https : / / www.apriorit.com/about-us/company

VYACHESLAV GREKOV - Uitvoerende hoof en stigter van Beverage.Cash, hoof uitvoerende beampte en stigter van Castle Solis DOO (castlesolis.com), wat al meer as 8 jaar wyn en ambagskool vervaardig.

EUGENE KIPPER - CFO en stigter van Beverage.Cash-projek, meer as 20 jaar in beleggingsbankdienste.

EVGUENIY TOUMBOV - COO of of Beverage.Cashproject, was sy hele lewe as ingenieur in Duitsland vir die motorvoertuig Ford. Nou sorg hy vir die implementering van RFID-netwerk in ons projek.

MIKHAIL KOMAROV - ontwerper van Castle Solis and Beverage.Cash-projek, het al 10 jaar lank daaraan gewerk. U kan sy werk in die profiel nagaan: https://www.behance.net/MIchael_Komarov

IVAN NIKOLAIEV - ons sagteware ingenieur. Werk al meer as 10 jaar saam met ons en het baie ondervinding in die skep van komplekse oplossings vir bank- en casino-industrie.

EDEN RONQUILLO - ons gemeenskaps- en PR-bestuurder. Nuut in ons span, maar ons is bly om haar te sien. Sy is van blockchain wêreld en het baie ondervinding en baie kennis op hierdie gebied.

Vir meer inligting oor die Beverage.cash-projek, besoek asseblief die skakel wat ek hieronder verskaf het:

WEBSITE: https://beverage.cash/
WHITEPAPER: https://beverage.cash/WhitePaper.pdf
ANN THREAD : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4560096.0
TELEGRAM: https : / telegram.me / BeverageCash
FACEBOOK: https://web.facebook.com/beveragecoin/?_rdc=1&_rdr
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/BeverageCash?lang=en

Bitcointalk gebruikersnaam: bungasakura5
Eth : 0x44808C2EA67D20E350574259A16BC36F81d8BebD

Rabu, 28 November 2018

💰💰💰AirWallet Signs Strategic Partnership with Dobitrade💰💰💰

AIR WALLET is creating a much needed bridge between People, Airdrops and Host Projects by giving them an easier way to interact with each other.

A Cryptocurrency Wallet is digital software that stores your private keys, while interacting with the corresponding blockchains, to allow users to send, receive, and manage their digital assets. While having the name (wallet), cryptocurrency wallets do not actually hold your funds, but save a pair of private and public keys that grants access to the digital assets.

Have you ever tried to participate in an Airdrop only to find the process daunting? Going through the hassle of each task, only to find out that you then have to complete another? Directing you to multiple websites, linking social media accounts, entering your personal information time and again, and after all that your Airdrop does not even show up in your personal crypto wallet. Now picture yourself repeating the same process for the next Airdrop. The AIR WALLET team is all too familiar with this tiring process. This is why we decided to create a platform that eliminates these steps and saves time for everyone.

that allows users to store assets and receive airdrops through one unified, secure system. With AIR WALLET being a wallet platform, we have made investing in ICOs and

receiving airdrops easy, while keeping your assets safe and transferable, with just the touch of a button. Cryptocurrency trading is increasing in popularity daily. As the new trend for ICOs to gain a community shifts to the using Airdrops, a new channel of marketing has opened up for Host Projects and a new form of exchange is available to the user base. Our simplified process has the potential to attract millions of people who are not yet involved in the cryptocurrency world.

AIR WALLET will give everyone an easy-to-understand route to purchase their first digital asset and participate in ICOs. In addition to streamlining the process of

Airdrops, AIR WALLET aims to bring visibility to the blockchain industry.

Projects often struggle to gain recognition because their services are only offered to native token holders. AIR WALLET will bridge the gap and provide 3rd party services even if the users don't possess the Host Project's native token. With the possibility of more and more blockchain services becoming integrated, the potential growth for the crypto market is limitless. This merging of blockchain based services will provide people with the ability to use cryptocurrencies in real life as they were meant to be used, unencumbered or limited to just exchanges, making cryptocurrencies truly multi-functional.


For the majority of the population not familiar with the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry, there are too many barriers for entry. Our goal is to break down those barriers and provide a gateway for people to become part of a growing industry and contribute to the growth of the market.

AIR WALLET will provide a wide array of digital assets to be supported within our platform. Users can manage digital assets that they currently possess to Airdrop tokens that are not yet listed on an exchange. AIR WALLET will also make viewing and managing assets that the user hold on an cryptocurrency exchange possible through our platform by integrating the API of various exchanges allowing users to efficiently view, store and manage all their cryptocurrencies.

Through a growth of an user base through Airdrops, AIR WALLET will list and showcase various promising blockchain platforms inside the AIR WALLET application so that cryptocurrencies can be used for real life transactions, services and purchases.. Users will be able to browse through blockchain platforms and choose to participate in them all without ever having to leave the AIR WALLET platform. AIR WALLET will connect our users with blockchain service providers to help accelerate the economy within this market.


A list of ICOs in the market will be shown with a list of ones offering airdrops at the top. AIR WALLET will provide easy entry for users to participate in ICOs, that differs from the current, standard methods.

Detail Token

AIR is a utility token that can be used within the AIR WALLET ecosystem. It will be used to pay for goods and services offered in AIR WALLET'S platform.
Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 AIR
Token Sale: 25% of total supply
Softcap: 5M USD
IEO Launch Price: 0.06 USD

AIR Tokens will be available through an Initial Exchange Offering through selected exchanges. 25% of the total supply will be allocated to the IEO. AIR Pool will serve as an incentive system to users and a cryptocurrency loan system Reserve allocation will remain locked up for a period of 4 years from the date of the first exchange listing.


Team & Advisors

WEBSITE: https://airwalletofficial.com/

ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5072661.0

WHITEPAPER : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KqeBMWlmXOTAr90nWPcT4H0Ir8dZZb4r/view?usp=sharing

FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/airwalletofficial

TWITTER : https://twitter.com/myairwallet

TELEGRAM : https://t.me/AirWallet

LINKEDIN : https://www.linkedin.com/company/myairwallet/

Bitcointalk Username: bungasakura5

Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2204918

ETH Addres: 0x44808C2EA67D20E350574259A16BC36F81d8BebD

⭐⭐⭐AS A WORLD BLOCKCHAIN-based education platform⭐⭐⭐

LIKER WORLD is a block educational content platform.

This is accompanied by a policy of donations related to educational projects.

Innovation in future education through the best technologies focused on society and humanity.

Based on the idea that all company activities should pursue social values,

LIKER has 3 main aspects: TRUST, GIFTS and DONATION.

LIKER is a BLOCKCHAIN ​​based education platform. Thanks to a trust-based authentication system, platform instructors interact with each other to create

educational ecosystem. Their education-related operations and activities are compensated in accordance with a symbolic economy, which, in turn, leads to a contribution to education. This creates a good cycle structure that brings more educational benefits to blind spots. This is a mission for all of us, a challenge for

us and the beginning of educational reform. The blockchain will make a lot of effort in accordance with the technological development stage of many

problems. First of all, we want to achieve educational users through honest and transparent authentication and compensation through a blockchain.

Get rewarded when you learn
- Access to education is often limited by factors such as social class or wealth that go beyond our personal choice or control.

- The right to education should be the same as everyone else.

“But what if someone wants to study, wherever they are and when they want.”

- LIKER creates the right ecological system for education.

- LIKER opens equal opportunities for all who want to learn.

- All participants of the LIKER platform will be rewarded in the blockchain economy.


- Regardless of race, region, wealth, you can learn, although LIKER.

- No matter when and where you can study through LIKER.

- LIKER uses big data to provide content services.

- LIKER offers the latest training content for your needs.

- All actions on LIKER are encrypted in a transparent and reliable block chain.

- Get an individual approach, prepared in LIKER.



LIKER platform is a blockchain private network which is

trust information about user activity for LIKER and cloud

architectures to implement

DApp online services platforms. Blockchain

Implement the best technical architecture to implement LIKER’s business with

combinations of the best and most affordable

platforms, not a single platform.

The LIKER blockchain network is a private chained network.

This is due to the fact that the LIKER information is intended to be included in

block chain in relation to business records such as

information about the user's activity, with the exception of simple information about the transaction

like bitcoin, therefore

important information scalability and performance.

Liker has the biggest goal in business innovation using

blockchain technology. In particular, in

technology blockchain, which is very quickly implemented, adoption

New technologies and response to them - an important principle

business innovation. Network

Private Blockchain Hybrid Technical Agility Architecture as a business platform

Pre-sale Starting from

November 20, 2018 (09:00 GMT)


December 19, 2018 (09:00 GMT)

Basic sales Starting from

December 20, 2018 (09:00 GMT) ~


Pre-sales: 20%

top sales: 10%

Exchange Rate Tokens

1 ETH = 7,000 LK

Minimum transaction amount

0.015 ETH

Hard cover: 50,000 ETH

Soft cover: 5000 ETH

2015 roadmap


Concepts of creation

Team Collect


FinTech Group Bank4U LLc. (In English) Partner Platform Korea


Chung du, China-based Chain Technology Co., Ltd Found

Digital Cash Generation & Share Methods - 2 Patent Applications

in 2017

My OS Price, Korea - Block Chain Tech Co., Ltd is based in

Osaka, Japan - Node tincture

Hanoi, Vietnam Platform - LIKER

2018 Q1

California, USA - ULIKER Platform

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - LIKER Knot Platform

Bangkok, Thailand Node Platform - LIKER Platform

Jakarta Platform, Indonesia = Platform LIKER

2018 Q2

Liker World and Sung-kyunk-Wana University Block Chain Research Center Agreement

World Liquor and Dongguk University Block Chain Business School (MBA)

world liquor and powergen agreement

liquor world and OhKims Legal Agreement Bcc

Malta - Tincture Corporation Making Planned

Hanbit Academy ICT and block - chain use Coin Liker


Encrypted Wallet Meeting-up event Created


agreement to meet with Paybank Ltd for the implementation of coin payments

Coins Liker and Agreement Kdex.io Business Effects

Full version 3.0 white paper


2018 Q3



DPI, ECOSO People who love


2018 Q4

OFFER FOR SALE (11.20 ~)


Christmas events (12.24 ~)

registered on the currency market of coins




Eth : 0x44808C2EA67D20E350574259A16BC36F81d8BebD

💰💰BlooCYS - 'n Uber-agtige platform wat verbruikers help om professionele persone te huur💰💰

Die moderne wêreld is ten volle onder die gesag van moderne tegnologie. Die mees algemene is nou 'n slimfoon. Dit is tegnologie wat ons toelaat om die lewe makliker te maak. Betaal dit betalings of aankope aanlyn, en bestel en lewer dienste. Verlaag die tyd betyds om inligting te soek of e-pos te stuur. Al hierdie dinge lei tot 'n toenemend belangrike ontwikkeling van die moderne wêreld.

want soos die tyd is, is BlooCYS teenwoordig wat verbruikers kondisioneer om alles nou te wil hê. BlooCYS kan inligting in sekondes vind. BlooCYS kan ook e-posse stuur met net 'n paar krane sonder om lank te wag om jou tyd te mors. BlooCYS kan ook items met verskeie rolle bestel en net swiep sonder om na die item se plek te gaan. BlooCYS kan Uber ook bestel, net deur op die knoppie op die platform te druk

Wat is BlooCYS?

BlooCYS is uiteindelik 'n Uber-platform wat verbruikers help om die regte professionele persone te huur om die konsultante wat hulle benodig, te dien. Miskien leer 'n nuwe taal. Doen make-up of 'n handleiding oor hare. Of maak 'n IT-fout of probleem op. 

Die moontlikhede is onbeperk. Al deur video. En in real time. Dit is net 'n wen-wen platform vir almal. Dit maak BlooCYS werklik uniek, want dit bied gerief, tydige aflewering en hoë diensstandaarde wat kliënte vandag verwag. 

Trouens, BlooCYS-konsultasiedienste kan aan hulle verskaf word, of hulle tuis, by die kantoor, by die kafee of in die park is. Terselfdertyd verleen BlooCYS professionele en spesialiste in verskeie velde wat op soek is na meer buigsame werksmeganismes of addisionele inkomste

Kliënte kan kundiges binne hul hande kry, terwyl kundiges hul vaardighede kan gebruik om ekstra inkomste te verdien deur vryskutgeleenthede.

Gebou uit 'n nuwe desentralisasie- en tokenningsmodel, BlooCYS-real-time video-vermoëns, gebruikersverifikasie en hersiening, dienslyste wat deur kundiges gesoek kan word, blokketting tegnologie vir deursigtigheid en slim kontrakte met tokens, gee hierdie platform die potensiaal om die rewolusie te verbeter en te optimaliseer. manier waarop mense toegang het, en bied, kundige dienste.

Bied uitstekende gebruikerservaring deur ons kernkenmerke

Gebou uit 'n nuwe desentralisasie- en tokenningsmodel, die vermoë om BlooCYS-videoclips in real-time te kry, gebruikers te keur en te hersien, 'n omvattende gids om kundiges van kundiges te vind, blokketting tegnologie vir deursigtigheid en slim kontrakte met toner terminale, bied hierdie platform die geleentheid om revolusioneer en optimaliseer mense wat kundige dienste ontvang en bied.

Real-time kommunikasie

Real-time video

Direkte klets




ID verifikasie en kundigheid validering

Graderings en resensies

BlooCYS beursie

Slim kontrak

Crypto betaling

Front-end diens


Menigte aanbeveling


Vennoot- en API-integrasie


Waarom BlooCYS Is 'n veilige en deursigtige ekosisteem wat almal sal baat.

Voordele van die platform:

Veiligheid en deursigtigheid

Deskundige funksionaliteit

Maksimalisering van ekonomiese vaardighede


Gebrek aan geografiese hindernisse vir dienste

24 ure

Kostedoeltreffend by die verwydering van tussengangers en hoë transaksiekoste

Slim kontrak

BlooCYS is daartoe verbind om 'n oop platform vir alle gebruikers te skep, tesame met vennote in die ekosisteem, om dienste te verskaf en te verbruik. Ons het nou vennootskappe met verskeie instansies wat verbind het tot die gebruik van die BlooCYS-diens. Dit sal die groei van gebruikers op die platform versnel.

ICO Besonderhede

Simbool Token - CYS

Token Standard - ERC20, Ethereum

Aantal uitgereikte tokens - CYS

Token Fee: 1 CYS = 0.10 USD

Sagte pet: USD $ 5 miljoen

Harde pet: USD $ 40 miljoen

Gelde ontvang: ETH

Token Verspreiding:



Vir meer inligting oor BlooCYS, kan u 'n boodskap stuur na info@bloocys.com

Webwerf: https://www.bloocys.com/

Witskrif: http://www.bloocys.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/bloocys_whitepaper.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlooCYSOfficial

Telegram: https://t.me/bloocys_official

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bloocys

Skrywer: bungasakura5


Wallet: 0x44808C2EA67D20E350574259A16BC36F81d8BebD



Raido Financial is a global Fintech ecosystem that combines a set of universal crypto tools for trading, exchange, financial and investment operations for all B2B and B2C crypto market players through the single platform. 

The main goal of Raido Financial project is to run and improve the ecosystem, whereby any participant of the crypto market can easily obtain and use highly efficient and profitable tools with any experience level in Blockchain or Cryptocurrency technologies.
Raido Exchange is designed taking into consideration the technical solutions and contains the following functionalities: automatic purchase and sale of Cryptocurrencies, trading of CFD contracts, use of a multifunctional API of more than 50 Cryptocurrency tools, universal technical analysis tools (sets of indicators, 12 time zones), high-speed connection channels, aggregation and distribution of liquidity, data encryption and an integrated AI trading module. 

The Raido Wallet system is integrated with numerous services for receiving Cryptocurrencies and fiat as well as for money transfer. Within the Raido Wallet functionality users can directly transfer and withdraw funds to the Raido Exchange. 

Multicurrency wallet is available on desktop and mobile versions, works on all major devices and operating systems.


High-technology and efficiency of operations: High performance and load-processing system, integrated FIX API, WebSockets, REST protocols.
Processes of high-frequency queries and effective use of algorithmic and Machine Learning modules: GEO DNS zones and efficient allocation of queries.
Launch and effective management of new ICOs: Tokenized Smart-processing system for ICO / TGE / ITO projects with «all in one» tools.
Anonymous and secure operations with multiple currencies for B2C market players Multicurrency crypto wallet with low fees, integrated processing of plastic cards, money and electronic pay-out systems.
Processing of merchants for tokens and plastic card emissions Payment accepting module for Cryptocurrencies / fiat currencies, dashboard for exchanging, cash-out and control of financial balances.
Large crypto assets volume trading, using leverage and other tools on Raido Exchange Liquidity aggregators, integrated within a single ecosystem with the largest trading platforms, crypto-exchanges, brokers and other financial institutions.
Legal and transparent trading activity for B2B and institutional market stakeholders’ Complex fintech and legal solutions that combine all types of crypto financial activities and currency tools for B2B on a single platform.
High-tech security system of financial assets for all the users of ecosystem Aggregated solutions - IP filtering, data encryption, two-factor authentication, independent layers of cryptographic protection and much more.
Anonymously, safely and profitably trading, exchanging, and investing operations with crypto assets from a single multicurrency wallet. The Raido Wallet will be integrated with payment methods and the most popular currency exchange tools: plastic card processing, money, and electronic payment systems - at a low cost to ecosystem users.


In order to provide stable and full-fledged work, Raido Exchange will have the following features:
• Automatic purchase/sale of Cryptocurrency;
• At least 50 Cryptocurrency tools for exchange and margin trading;
• Universal tools of technical analysis (sets of indicators, 12 time zones);
• High-speed API-connection channel with the ability to proceed up to 100 requests per second from each user;
• The ability to add custom stores, including the ones issued via ICO / ITO / TGE;
• Scaling and load balancing capacity, GEO DNS zones;
• Online service support 24/7;
• Integration with external services such as crypto exchanges, electronic
payment systems and Cryptocurrency wallets;
• Encryption of personal and payment data of users, including hot/cold wallets,
multi-signatures, two-factor authorization with verification for deposit and
withdrawal of fiat funds;
• Protection from hackers and DDoS attacks;
• Liquidity aggregation and distribution;
• Integration with main protocols - REST, Web Socket, FIX and others;


Cross-platform solution for anonymous and secure exchange of Cryptocurrencies, deposit and withdrawal of fiat money, and money transfers.
a. Support for Bitcoin, main Altcoins and tokens with the further listing of new currencies
b. Guarantee of funds’ security thanks to private keys, encryption and wallet cryptography
c. Confidentiality and anonymity without identification data reference and tracking transactions
d. Integration with online projects of any complexity and issuance of own Cryptocurrency
e. The transaction process is carried out with one click without additional steps or multiple entries
f. Maintenance and use of your own funds in all supported coins
g. Support of English, Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Russian, localization for other languages is available
h. The commission fee is calculated dynamically, ensuring the best value for money.


Volume of all tokens issued 86 250 000 tokens
Incl. token sales 60 262 500 tokens (60 262,5 ETH)
Incl. reserved tokens 25 987 500 tokens
Geography of sales/targeting the whole world, except from the US, China,
North Korea and the Republic of Singapore
Token price 0,001 ETH
Crowd Sale members – 60 262 500 (70%)
Campaign – 8 662 500 (10%)
Token distribution Developers – 8 662 500 (10%)
Advisors – 4 725 000 (5%)
Airdrop – 1 575 000 (2%)
Bounty – 2 362 500 (3%)
Website raidofinancial.com
Personal account for the ico.raidofinancial.com purchase of tokens
The address of the smart contract will be available
On the project website before the beginning of the
Crowd Sale
Payment methods BTC, ВСH, ЕТН, LTC, DASH, ETC
November – December 2018
Tokens will be available to a limited number of
Pre-Sale Limit — 7 500,0 ETH on the Pre-Sale
For potential investors, the participation in the
Bounty program is possible before the beginning of
The ICO. Restrictions on the amount of Max amount – 7 500 ETH purchases during Pre-Sale
January – February 2019
Main Sale Tokens will be available to a limited number of
Limit — 52 762,5 ETH on the Main Sale
February 5th, 2019


November 2017 — January 2018:
Launch of the Raido Financial fintech ecosystem
Market and competitors’ analysis
Selection of a brand, creation of a single style and preparation of the UI.
February 2018:
Development of the Raido Wallet’s database.
Formation of the Reference Terms for Raido Wallet’s Backend-development teams;
The development of the server architecture.
March 2018:
Creation of the Raido Exchange Terms of Reference for Backend and Frontend development teams;
Establishment of the Raido Exchange primary server architecture;
April 2018:
Development of the Raido Exchange Order Core (the base for accounting and information trading orders), the development of related databases and connectors (2 months);
Development of the first Blockchain — Bitcoin nodes and creation of a bundle with Core Radio Wallet, test transactions;
May 2018:
Development of the first version of the Raido Exchange Personal Account
Development of the Raido Wallet application for Windows
Expansion of additional block nodes: Ethereum, Litecoin
June 2018:
Start of the Raido Exchange Web-version programming
Testing and further development the Raido Exchange Personal Account
July 2018:
Start of the own chart libraries selection (graphics)
Final Testing of Raido Wallet, debug monitoring and fail-safe systems
August 2018:
Development of the first CRM-system version
Addition of the trading history output function to the Raido Exchange Personal Account
September 2018:
Release of the demo version without the possibility of registration and trading (a view of the Trading Platform is available);
Addition of a new function: creation of your own Raido Wallet token according to the ERC-20 standard.

October 2018:
Launch of the registration and access to the Dashboard
Addition of the PIN code protection function to the application
November 2018:
Launch of the Pre-Sale
Obtainment of a European license for financial transactions.
December 2018:
Development and implementation of a Technical Analysis package (7 technical indicators) for the Raido Exchange
January 2019:
Launch of the Token Sale
Launch of a real trading on the Raido Exchange (availability of deposits, withdrawal, trading)


For more information kindly visit the links below:

💰💰💰FUTURE ENERGY (FGY) Environmental Friendly Crypto Mining Solution💰💰💰

Hello everyone, in this article I will explain about the FUTURE ENERGY project. The future energy that is likely to be used as a substitute for petroleum and other non-renewable fuels.


Mining cryptocurrency that benefits the environment.

FUTURE ENERGY uses unconventional sources of renewable electricity with a working component of 0, due to this circumstance, optimizes the operating costs of developing cryptocurrency.
The project generates its own electricity and does not depend on the central electrical networks and tariffs.
Environmentally friendly way to get energy. Developments in the field of power generation solve a number of environmental problems.
The project has an internal security system for intelligent modules and software protection.

FUTURE ENERGY has been developing cryptocurrency since 2014. The project team consists of world-renowned scientists and professors. The project has 49 patented developments in the field of renewable energy sources, most of which are implemented in practice.


Gas for landfill.
Geothermal energy.
Hydraulic power.
Wave and tidal energy of the seas and oceans.
Thermodynamic installation and cycles on local fuels (peat, wood, organic waste).
Solar energy
Wind power.

The FUTURE ENERGY project consists of the best specialists from a variety of industries, including Blockchain, science, construction, business, IT, law, electrical installation specialists, commissioning and equipment maintenance.


FGY is an Ethereum token that is used as a form of hosting payment for a project to develop cryptocurrency technologies Future Energy.
The initial launch of tokens refers to the initial public sale of FGY tokens.
PRE ICO: from 11/01/2018 to 31/12/2018 of the year
ICO: from 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019

Soft cover pre ICO: 500 ETH
Hard cover pre ICO: 1500 ETH
Soft cover ICO: 12500 ETH
Hard cover ICO: 50000 ETH

Price per token at the time of issue: equivalent to ETH 0.0035 to ETH 0.005 depending on the date of purchase.
Accepted payment methods: Ethereum.

The project FUTURE ENERGY solves the problem of mining, using non-standard solutions.

Every day, the profitability of mining equipment cryptocurrency is reduced due to the ever-increasing complexity of the network. The FUTURE ENERGY project was created to solve this problem. 

Optimization of production costs due to construction and acquisition of unconventional sources of electricity generated by renewable energy sources and nuclear energy.
Managing the cost of energy is the only and best way to ensure profitability due to the complex, unpredictable and ever changing nature of cryptocurrency.


The project team consists of highly qualified specialists, including a group of world-renowned scientists and professors with academic knowledge. Each team member has achieved great success in their field.

Andrei Kadochnikov (Founder), Sergey Scheklein (Chief Researcher / Head of Research), Elizaveta Gulyakova (Public Relations and Marketing), Alexander Marakulin (Lawyer), Nemikhin Yury (Inventor), Olga Kolmogorova (Project Manager), Alexander Popov Inventor), Ilya Kochnev (Expert), Rinat Farhushin (Blockchain Support), Denis Kurennov (Technical Specialist).

For more detailed information visit the link below Future ENERGY:

⭐⭐⭐How Future Energy Is Going to Change Everything⭐⭐⭐

Hello everyone, in this article I will explain about the FUTURE ENERGY project. The future energy that is likely to be used as a substitute for petroleum and other non-renewable fuels.


FUTURE ENERGY will optimise the operating expenses for cryptocurrency mining through use of non-traditional sources of renewable electric power with an operational component of 0




It's not a secret that the main cost of cryptocurrency mining is electricity. This trend will continue due to the development of the cryptocurrency industry and Blockchain.

The “ASIC revolution” in the technology used for bitcoin-mining is about to come to an end. ASIC’s chip format for mining is coming close to the nanometre limit of Moore’s Law. For this reason, substantial future growth in the production of the chips is impossible.

This results in the commoditization of chips, meaning they become simple commodities in the eyes of the market or consumers and suddenly drop in value. This will result in manufacturers being forced to concentrate on mass production in order to profit from volumes, rather than utilising technological advances. Due to the race to develop the most up-to-date technology, the bitcoin mining industry will transition to a state of overproduction of equipment. The determinant factor of production will be electricity, rather than the efficiency of the equipment.

We are at the front of this global race with no competitors. Our energy costs are zero as we invest in green energy generation at the construction phase. Our energy plants provide free green energy with a plant lifetime of 40 years.

Distribution of Tokens


FUTURE ENERGY has been engaged in the mining of crypto currency since 2014. We are currently based on our own land and utilize a voltage power transmission line from the 110 kV substation. Currently, we are able to increase capacity to 50 MW at a tariff of $0.05 per 1 kW / h. This will ensure mining modules continue to run for the period of construction of our own renewable energy farms.

Since 2014 our team has grown to include a group of world-renowned scientists. We deliver an efficient, economical, clean and independent energy supply solution for our mining modules. Currently, 49 of our developments have been patented in the field of renewable energy sources and sources of atom energy for peaceful purposes, most of which have been actualized.




ECOMINING provides the opportunity to take part in bitcoin mining by exchanging FGY tokens for the right to practice ECOMINING for one month.

Future Energy will spend a part of the funds raised during the ICO on the purchase of ASIC miners with a total capacity of 14,500 th (the capacity will depend on the amount collected during the ICO). ECOMINING will work on clean eco energy, for which you will not have to pay. The Bitcoins will be distributed on the basis of a smart-contract by the following principle: 80% of Bitcoins production will be distributed among ECOMINING members, and 20% will be spent on maintenance, repair and purchase of new equipment. The Bitcoin distribution will occur on the 1st day of each month.

Up to 330% per month! How does it work?
To participate in the mining, the token holder can exchange their FGY tokens for one month of participation in the ECOMINING project. Applications for participation in ECOMINING are accepted during the last 5 days of the current month for the right to participate in following month. 

On the last day of the month after receiving applications for mining, a random number generator will produce a number which will determine the percentage of the total sold FGY tokens that will be able to participate in the mining in the following month.

For example: 2 500 000 FGY tokens are sold during ICO today, on 31 December 2018. 

The randomly generated number is ‘1’, meaning 1% of the total number of tokens sold will be able to participate in mining in January 2019. Of the 25 000 FGY tokens used for bitcoin mining, 20% will be distributed to maintenance of the equipment, and the remaining 80% between the pool of participants during the said month. 

Today, at the rate of $6500 per bitcoin, that is approximately $100 000 of bitcoins mined per month. After 20% allocated to maintenance, the remaining 80% ($80 000) is distributed between 25 000 FGY tokens. This means that each token is worth $3.3, which is 330% gain per month at the initial price of $1 per FGY token.

In addition, Future Energy will award participants with a
bonus of 95% of the token exchanged for making contributions to the development of clean energy. 

The bonus will be added until the 5th day of the following month (if you exchanged your tokens for the right of mining in January 2019, then you receive the bonus until 5 February 2019). Only 5% of your tokens will be burned. 

In the event that there are more requests for mining than the percentage allowed to participate in a particular month, the swap will occur in proportion to the possible number of tokens and requests for mining. All tokens that do not pass the swap will be returned to their owners.

SEE ALL : https://icoenergy.org/

For more detailed information visit the link below Future ENERGY:

Senin, 26 November 2018




This is a major game development platform and has three partner companies in the world, where 1 is based in Japan with staff numbers and capital of nearly $ 4.8 million, second in China technology Shanghai Xiaoyou network with only 80 employees and capital is about 10 million dollars and the third partner is Quantum Games Inc. located in Taiwan with 10 employees and 13 million dollars. Yes, Asobimo has a total of 600 employees. It has won 2 awards as the top developer award and the Grand Prix.
About Asobicoin and Asobicoin Market

You can use Asobicoin to buy Asobimo game credits

Asobicoin is also a foreign exchange, which can be used in the Asobi market, a Distributed Content Platform, by ASOBIMO, Inc. (International patent pending: PCT / JP2018 / 16657). On this platform, you can replace the digital content used including game objects, software programs, ebooks, music tracks, video and electronic tickets, or purchase new content along with Your ABX.
The idea of ​​Asobicoin

Virtual content trading on the secondary market distribution. New blockchain currency technology for publishers and users. The Aspire DApps platform will make virtual content on the secondary market a valuable asset to all events and provide safe and cheap buy and sell with minimal friction.
How dose it works

The Asobi market is built to facilitate the purchase and sale of digital content such as
eBooks, Games, Music and Videos.

When sellers are getting paid as AsobiCoin in their Asobi wallet and buyers receive content and licenses. The Asobi market is different from others because it sells licenses with content while other platforms are not and literally does not allow content buyers to resell. The market will also support the virtual Naga that Asobimo teamed up with SWITEX Gmbh to develop it, which will allow the platform to allow users to shop inside the Asobi market. Gamers will be able to buy or sell virtual items in an individual game or through a game publisher.

For users to be able to buy virtual property in the Asobi market using their Asobi coin, they need to follow this. The first thing the buyer needs to do is to buy the game items and other virtual assets on Asobi Market using their AsobiCoin and then put Asobi Market license into the license store and assign the license. For the user then the buyer receives the license and benefits the ability to use the virtual property.

For users can exchange their virtual property with other users in exchange for Asobi coins

A seller provides their license for a price recommended by the Asobi market or is set by the user. Then a buyer buys a license with AsobiCoin then fowarda market Asobi Coin into the seller's purse and the buyer gets the license from the Asobi market.

- Team

Katsunori Kondo is the founder and CEO of ASOBI and he graduated from Kobe University and is also a businessman.

Yuusuke Haibara is also the founder of CO and CFO and is in charge of business development and he has worked for the international business and launch department.

Hidemi oshimo is also the co-founder and chief information officer of ASOBI and he has 15 years of experience in electronics and also handles companies related to mobile devices.

Mr. Jonggu Na is also the co-founder and CEO of ASOBI and he also has 15 years of ecommerce experience and he has worked for mobile games and also works for DeNA.

Masaya Murai is also Co founder and marketing director at ASOBI. He has worked for a mobile-related company and is a marketing specialist in ASOBI.

Sean Katsu is also a co-founder and compliance officer at ASOBI, he was a sales manager and also worked for Yahoo In Japan.
- Asobicoin has breakthrough ideas, materials and websites are beautifully designed, reasonable:

ICO website: https://asobimo.io/en/
There is a beautiful, eye-catching and easy-to-read interface that contains all the necessary information about ICO as well as the development direction of the project. Show the professionalism of Asobicoin team in project operation


It is expected that Asobicoin will expand its scope of operations to the outside world. I believe that with its potential, transparency, security as well as its advantages, Asobicoin will have a firm foothold in the trading floors in general and the crypto world in particular.

Personally, I highly value this project. I think I should invest in it. With high liquidity in the market, it will automatically increase the price, this is a very favorable signal for investors to buy these codes in the early days of the ICO, the price is still cheap. Asobicoin ABX tokens can be accepted in most of the leading trading markets, which results in relatively large discounts on deals.

If you want to invest in Asobicoin, this is a good time to invest. Join now, visit https://asobimo.io/en/ for more information, and remember to buy it right before every token is sold out.
Readers interested in this project can learn more about the project by:

Bitcointalk username: bungasakura5
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2204918
Et : 0x44808C2EA67D20E350574259A16BC36F81d8BebD

💰💰💰New Solutions to Health Problems for Patients, Insurance and Internet💰💰💰

What is Instant Access Medical

Instant Access Medical abbreviated iAM is a project developing health technology with one lifetime personal health records under your own control, comprehensive, up to date and available at diperangkat.
With smart share your data to get the best health outcomes.


Health is key to the advancement of the world. Health is urgently needed by human beings in carrying out daily activities to meet basic needs so that the goal of human beings to achieve success will manifest.

During this time, despite the exponential progress in several areas, including pharmaceutical, medical diagnostic and around the world, health care development record is still a serious thing and it still has several challenges to look for the street discharge of such fraud happens to reach $260 lost in health globally.

What I mean is fraud insurance fraud as much as $230 billion, resulting in higher premiums and costs for consumers in reduced benefits and coverage.

Second, Digitizing does not warrant recordings, and many other problems that must be resolved.


About the various problems that occur in health care Affairs, Instant Access Medical, focus on the point of consensus despite the conflict that exists between parties in the healthcare industry.

Portable Health Record

Trusted, digital and portable health records that streamline insurance claim settlements and minimize manual errors.

Secured By Blockchain

Record security by Guardtime KSI Industrial Scale Blockchain & record sharing governed by smart contracts.

Tokenized Health Economy

Reduce waste and speed up transactions by the creation of a tokenized health care economy

The Profit Will Be Obtained

Instant Access for patients, Medical will strive with all his might so that patients achieve better health outcomes with increased portability and get treatment privately, a sign and reminder, and a very major is able Save time and money mendapatakan with anonymised health data sharing options.

Next in terms of Insurance, Instant Access Medical digital data access of patients to reduce the cost of services with the intention of reducing fraud and claims settlement costs

There are some other important points that can be obtained here. Therefore, please visit their own websites or Instant Access Litepaper Medical.

Utility Token

Users manage their token balance through instant access medical wallet (Mobile & Web app) and their balance over them by buying token from backup iAM. IAM the Token that is used to pay for the service.

Token Details
PRICE : $0.40
Token Supply : 500.000.000
Token Type : ERC20 Utility Token
Minimum Purchase Amount : 100 IAM
Payment Methods : ETH, BTC, USD, Shapeshift
Hard Cap : $35.225.000

Token Sale

Token Distribution

Instant Access Medical (iAM) believes that based solely on the four healthcare sector expenditures below, we can achieve an iAM Token Economy spend in excess of USD $5 Billion per annum by 2020:
1. Hospital spend – USD $1,000 billion
2. Health Insurance - USD $852 billion
3. Spend on Physicians – USD $635 billion
4. Spend on prescription drugs – USD $329 billion



Instant Access Medical team has a unique combination of an experienced doctor, and specialist health IT. The team has over 50 years of combined experience in healthcare that is translated into a domain of expertise, strong vision and sound strategy.

More information details, visit:

Bitcointalk Username: bungasakura5
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2204918
Ethereum Address: 0x44808C2EA67D20E350574259A16BC36F81d8BebD

💰💰💰 ROKES EXCHANGE - Platform for Buying and Selling Fast and Safe Cryptocurrency 💰💰💰

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is Rokes, and for more details, let'...